Hands On: Power2U AC/USB Wall Outlet

Ever go to plug in your cell charger only to find out that both plugs are already in use? Thanks to the people at newertechnology they have solved your problems. They have a UL listed receptacle with 2 built in USB plugs for charging your phone, tablet, iPod/iPhone, or any other device that charges via USB. Sound like something you need? Sure, everyone does. Hit the jump to see what I thought about the Power2U.
The Power2U by newertechnology is the first of it’s kind UL listed power outlet with built in USB plugs that not only make charging a breese, but also save you power in the long run. The Power2U is easily exchangeable with the outlets in your house without any wiring to add or holes to drill. The Power2U is designed to fit into a standard wall outlet box of 16 cubic inches or larger. Do you happen to be a novice home electrician? The people at newertechnology have included step by step instructions that are easy to follow. Installation time was about 10 min from time the breaker was shut off until the breaker was back on post instillation.
The Power2U is designed so that even with large plugs the USB ports are accessable without problem. Both USB ports have sliding covers so that when not in use nothing can fall in them. The slides move very easily when inserting your USB cable and slide closed on their own when the cable is removed.
With the cable removed and the slide cover closed, the power is shut off to the plug saving you from loosing money due to drain from the power converter in the standard phone charger. No more phantom power drain while not charging your devices.
The Power2U is a great device that saves you from the lost charger syndrome. Never again do you have to worry about where you placed your charger. You can put just 1 of these devices in every room of your house and never have to worry about where to plug your phone in again. If you are building new, or even renovating your house this is a excellent addition. While not the cheapest option, it is a all in one solution that anyone with a cell phone will appreciate. The only real downside I saw to the Power2U was that due to the plug cover and design it will not work properly with dual outlet boxes.
- All in one design
- Fits in a standard outlet. No need to upgrade your box
- Detailed instructions for even the novice electrician
- Saves you from buying multiple phone chargers
- Price is higher than a standard outlet
- Only works with single box receptacles
- Only comes in white (for now)
Over all this is a device that while pricier that a standard outlet, it is something that I get a lot of use out of. It not only frees up outlets, but has the ability to charge 2 phones while still leaving both plugs open.
While you can normally outfit a new plug for under $10 dollars, if you have the money, and the plug will be in a area that a phone could be charged in, you can’t pass this up.
Do you have one? Let us know how you like it. Picking up one? Let us know when you get it.
As of this posting the price listed is $27.99 for a single and $22.99 each if ordering 2 or more. Check out this link HERE for the offer.