Hands On: Powerline AV500 Ethernet Adapter

Need to get the Internet into your bedroom, basement, or any other room in your house? Dont like the idea of having a home wireless network due to security risks or just not needing that much coverage? Intellinet Network has the option that may be for you, The Powerline AV500 Ethernet Adapter can take you home electrical wiring and turn it into your own personal network. Sound Interesting? Check out my complete review after the jump
First off, what exactly is the Powerline. The Powerline is basically a way to convert you Internet signal to be transmitted across your home or office wiring to a second receiver that takes the signal from your home wiring and converts it back to a signal to be transmitted over a Ethernet cable into your computer.
Installation is a snap. First you take and plug one adapter into a ethernet cable from your router and plug the adapter into your outlet. Next you take the other adapter to where you need the network. Plug the second adapter into your outlet and then connect the ethernet cable to your computer and you are good to go.
Say all you need for now is that one adapter. What happens in the future is you decide you would like a connection in multiple rooms. No need to run out and by a wireless router, you can simply buy additional adapters and place them in whatever room you may need a network connection in. As long as the room has a power outlet that is connected to your home, you have a viable spot to have your home network.
There are two options when purchasing the Powerline Adapters. You can get the 500Mbps AV500 or the 200Mbps AV200. These adapters offer networks speeds of 500 Mbps or 200 Mbps depending on what model you purchase. The Starter Kit comes with both Adapters you need to set up your network. Once you have your network set up, you can purchase single adapters to add to separate rooms in your house.
What is the benefit to this over say a wireless network or a wired network? Wireless networks can leave you open to hackers. Even if you have a decent password to access your network. Wired home networks require you to possibly drill holes in your walls, run wires through your basement or crawl space, and then purchase new wall plates and outlets. With the Powerline it is just plug and play using your houses existing electrical wiring.
The Powerline is good for anything from video streaming, to internet, to game consol’s to VOIP.
Want another reason to purchase one? They come with a 3 year warranty. Where else can you get that kind of warranty?
Prices start at $115 USD for the AV200 and $140 USD for the AV500, depending on what site you order from. While this may sound steep, consider the cost of a good wireless router, or the cost of Ethernet cable and jacks for your entire house. You will soon see that the prices are very similar.
I’m not going to give you hard numbers on the data the Powerline Adapter can handle due the the large amount of variables involved. Incoming Internet speed, quality of wiring, quality of the wiring job, distance traveled. I will say, that in my house, the Powerline Adapter was fast enough to give me a constants stream of music over Slacker Radio, load web pages with ease, and give me no lag while playing COD MW3 on Xbox.
Overall this is a good product that can save you hassles if you don’t want to worry about running wires through your entier house, or are worried about someone stealing your informaion over a wireless network. Check out the Intellinet Network website for more info and links on where you can purchase a Powerline Adapter.