News Team Assemble!

This week we have a special surprise! For the first time the Cerebral-Overload team met for the weekend and decided to record together! On today’s episode the group goes to the newest updated Verizon Wireless store in Grove City, OH and get a tour of the new layout and all the features that have been instilled, they discuss the new deal between Motorola and a 3D printing company to make “Phonebloks”, the PS4 Xbox One debacle continues, Xbox One Kinect is single and ready to mingle and trying to “kinnect witchu”, Google Glass is in talks with a lens company to help with poor vision patients, a desk that requires you to get up more and stay active, a quad motorize vehicle that is practically unstoppable, and Skyler joins us for Ben’s Bullshit Kickstarter Thing Or Something Of The Week!


PS4 & Xbox One

Kinnect Witchu

Google Glass

Standing Desk

Unstoppable Quad

Ben’s Bullshit Kickstarter Thing Or Something Of The Week

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