Tagaboom for iOS Debuts, Creates Social Conversations with Unprecedented Mashups of Photos, Animated GIFs, Meme’s, Drawing, Audio, and Effects.

Austin, TX. Tagaboom, the most powerful app for annotating mobile media, is now available for iOS including private messaging, drawing + audio, and animated GIF support. Photos and animated GIFs can now be combined with sound, memes, drawing, voice, and amazing combinations to create social conversations more awesome than any before.
Tagaboom instantly sends private messages and annotates media with annotations including voice, text, sketch, original effects and more. Drawdio layers draw and voice on images and animated GIFs. LiveGIF creates conversations with animated GIFs and will export them to online GIFs that are instantly updated on the web. New features unique to Tagaboom include:
– Enhanced Draw, Meme, and Voice now overlaid on any image or animated GIF to create playable messages composed of animated images, memes, drawing, and overlay voice.
– Voice Overlay attached to a drawing, a meme, an animated GIF, or image slideshow
– Drawdio adds drawing + voice to any image or animated GIF as an overlay in any conversation with easy export to YouTube
– LiveGIF creates mashups of images and animated GIFs in a playable sequence
– LiveGIF Export creates an online .GIF hosted by Tagaboom that updates instantly as the conversation grows, now in user testing hosted from Tagabom.com
– Private Messaging shares these unique photo conversations among friends with instant updates
Tagaboom captures the entire moment and makes it easy to share the ideas, sounds, and style that accompany each photo, image, or animation. Share conversations publicly, with friends, or as private messages. For more information visit www.tagaboom.com and download the iPhone and iPad native app for free from the iOS app storehttps://itunes.apple.com/us/