Hands On: NuGuard KXS Screen Protector For iPhone 5/5S/5C

Nothing is worse than having your screen crack or get scratched. It makes using your screen a pain by cutting your fingers depending on how bad the crack is, and makes watching tv and movies on it near impossible. Why not just take the step of protecting your phone with a NuGuard KXS Screen Protector and minimise your chances of damaging your screen. Lets see how it works.
The NuGuard KXS Screen Protector is part of the NuGuard KX phone protection. It works well with their NuGuard KX phone case, or if you already have a case, it will work with that also. They have two options of screen protectors to choose from, either for your phone with a case, or without a case. For this review we chose the screen protector that is compatible with most cases.
As you can see the screen protector has openings for the front facing camera, ear piece and home button/finger print scanner. This allows the NuGuard KXS to work with all 3 models of iPhone 5.
Installation of the case was very smooth and, as much trouble as I normally have with keeping bubbles out of my screen protectors that don’t use a liquid for installation, this was very easy to put on and I had no bubbles on the first try.
I attempted to scrape the screen protector with a sharp knife tip. The knife did leave a little scratch that you can barely see in this picture. It is a little easier to see in person but the scratch didn’t go through the protector. As you can see from the second picture of the home screen, even with the slight scratch caused by the knife, it wasn’t visible at all when viewing images on the iPhone.
As you can barely see in this next picture, those marks on the case are where I hit the phone screen with a hammer. They say the X-Treme protection of the NuGuard KXS protector is impact X-Orbing and this test showed that it will absorb the shock of a few hammer blows. (Note the hammer blows were light and not full force. This was to simulate the phone bumping against tables and walls during regular daily use.
The NuGuard KXS case comes in either Case Friendly Design ($9.99) as we have tested that leaves the very edge of the phone uncovered for your case to fit properly, or the Full Size NuGuard KXS case ($11.70)
Overall for a price of under $12.00 this is a must have screen protector to help keep your screen scratch free and crack free. The NuGuard KXS Screen Protector is available for iPad 2/3/4, iPad Air, iPad Mini, iPhone 4/4S/5/5S/5C, iPod, and Samsung Galaxy S4.