Influenster Review: TRexTape by Suretech

Looking for something that’s even stronger than Duct Tape? You need to check out TRexTape from Suretech Technologies. This is Duct Tape on steroids. I left it out and it got wet from rain and was in the dirt. It got wet enough to ruin the cardboard tube in the middle, plus has dirt stuck on the sides. This tape is still so strong that it’s tough to get off the roll. Once stuck to the cardboard box I was shipping, I had no worries that it was staying shut till it made it to it’s destination. I will say, once I finish up this roll, This will be my go to tape from now on.
Even though it’s stated on our home page. I received this product in exchange for a fair review. (yes i really did use it, and yes I really do love it)