Dramatic A1c Improvement Among People with Diabetes Using One Drop | Mobile app on iPhone and Apple Watch

NEW YORK, Nov. 29, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — A study published in JMIR mHealth & uHealth found people with diabetes using the One Drop | Mobile app on their iPhone and Apple Watch reduce their hemoglobin A1c by an average 1.36%. Lowering A1c by an absolute 0.5% decreases cardiovascular disease by 10%. Each 1% A1c reduction is associated with a 37% decrease in the risk of microvascular complications and a 21% decrease in the risk of any diabetes-related complication or death.
“Study after study shows people using One Drop experience incredible outcomes. They eat fewer carbs, become more active, and experience dramatic results. But with the Apple Watch, results are even better,” said Dr. Chandra Osborn, Vice President of Health and Behavioral Informatics at One Drop. At the recent Stanford MedX conference, One Drop reported people with type 2 diabetes using the app with a One Drop | Expert coach and an Apple Watch, had an estimated 1.2% A1c improvement in three months [1]. Without the Apple Watch, the estimated A1c improvement is 1% in three months [2].
Using retrospective app-collected data, One Drop, in collaboration with internationally-known scientists, assessed the self-reported A1c change of people using One Drop | Mobile on iPhone and Apple Watch who tracked their A1cs in the app. They also assessed whether app engagement was associated with an A1c change.
The latest published results come from 256 people with diabetes who had tracked at least two A1c values in the app (from 2 to 12 months apart), had their diabetes diagnoses verified with medications entered in the app, and had an average blood glucose consistent with their self-reported A1c values. Of the 65 people with type 1 diabetes and 191 people with type 2 diabetes, 23% were female, diagnosed with diabetes for a mean 8.3 years, and tracked an average 2176 self-care activities in the app between A1c values. Self-reported A1c can be as accurate as laboratory A1c [3], and self-reported A1c was significantly associated with 90-day average blood glucose and consistent with cohort studies testing the relationship between blood glucose and laboratory A1c [4]. During a median 4 months, A1c improved by -1.36% or -14.9 mmol/mol (from 8.72% [71.8 mmol/mol] to 7.36% [56.9 mmol/mol]). Using One Drop | Mobile to track food was independently associated with a greater A1c improvement when first adjusted for other data being tracked, and then further adjusted for gender, location, years of diagnosed diabetes, and time between A1cs. For detailed study results, please see http://mhealth.jmir.org/2017/11/e179/.
“Improving A1c by 1.0% or more not only yields better quality of life for our users, but also saves them an estimated $1,324.30 per person in the first year and an estimated $8,128.83 after five years,” said Jeff Dachis, Founder and CEO of One Drop. “We are using behavioral- and data science-backed approaches to deliver the most accessible, engaging, affordable, and clinically effective digital diabetes self-care platform in market.”
1. Osborn CY. The One Drop diabetes iOS and WatchOS app with in-app coaching from Certified Diabetes Educators improves blood glucose, carbohydrate intake, and physical activity. Stanford MedX; 2017; Palo Alto, CA.
2. Osborn CY, Heyman M, Huddleston B, Van Ginkel JR, Rodbard D, Dachis J. The One Drop mobile app with in-app coaching improves blood glucose and self-care. 2017. Diabetes Abstract Book, vol 67 (Suppl 1).
3. Kumar S, Uppal J, Osborn CY, Heyman M, Juusola J. The accuracy of self-reported A1c among individuals with type 2 diabetes. 2017. Diabetes Abstract Book, vol 67 (Suppl 1).
4. Makris K, Spanou L. Is there a relationship between mean blood glucose and glycated hemoglobin? 2011. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 5(6):1572-1583.
5. Kumar S, Moseson H, Uppal J, Juusola JL. A diabetes mobile app with in-app coaching from a Certified Diabetes Educator reduces A1c for individuals with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Educ. under review.
6. Wagner EH, Sandhu N, Newton KM, McCulloch DK, Ramsey SD, Grothaus LC. Effect of improved glycemic control on health care costs and utilization. JAMA. 2001;285(2):182-189.
7. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers: Medical Care [CPIMEDSL]. 2017. Accessed November 1, 2017.
8. Kumar S, Moseson H, Uppal J, Osborn CY, Heyman M, Juusola J. Impact of a diabetes mobile app with in-app coaching on glycemic control (63LB). Paper presented at: American Diabetes Association 77th Scientific Sessions 2017; San Diego, CA, USA.
One Drop (Informed Data Systems Inc.) is a digital health company harnessing the power of mobile computing and data science to transform the lives of everyone with diabetes worldwide.
The One Drop | Mobile app is available for free on iOS and Android in seven different languages (Russian, French, German, Chinese, Spanish, Arabic, and English) and is used by people with diabetes in over 200 countries worldwide. Full integration with Apple HealthKit, Google Fit, Dexcom, and Fitbit allows One Drop | Mobile users to sync blood glucose, fitness, nutrition, and other health data from thousands of apps and devices. Users schedule medication reminders, view statistics, set goals, track A1c and weight, get data-driven insights, provide and receive support from other users, and get tips and advice to help with diabetes management.
One Drop also offers world-class diabetes supplies and services as a monthly subscription, allowing people with diabetes to obtain the daily management tools they need without insurance, prescriptions, appointments, or hassles. The subscription plans include a sleek Bluetooth blood glucose monitor, home delivery of blood glucose testing supplies and 24/7 live in-app support from diabetes experts, marrying modern design with evidence-based diabetes management strategies that improve clinical outcomes at a fraction of the cost of current standards of care. One Drop’s complete diabetes management platform is now available throughout the United States, Canada, European Union, and United Kingdom, bringing affordable, accessible and clinically effective diabetes care to people with diabetes in 30 countries.
Learn more at http://www.onedrop.today/