Ohio to Enhance Communications for Public Safety; with Approved Buildout Plan for First Responder Network

RESTON, Va., Nov. 30, 2017 – Ohio is advancing communications for first responders. FirstNet and AT&T* will deliver a wireless broadband network to the state’s public safety community. FirstNet will bring advanced technologies that will help Ohio’s first responders save lives and protect communities.
“The decision to bring FirstNet to Ohio’s public safety community will revolutionize emergency services across the Buckeye State,” said FirstNet CEO Mike Poth. “The network will provide first responders with the speed, reliability and bandwidth they need to take full advantage of new technologies and innovation. FirstNet looks forward to continuing to work with the state to ensure the network meets public safety’s needs, enabling them to collaborate and communicate seamlessly, every day and in every emergency.”
AT&T, in a public-private partnership with FirstNet, will build, operate and maintain a highly secure wireless broadband communications network for Ohio’s public safety community at no cost to the state. The FirstNet network will drive innovation and create an entire system of modernized devices, apps and tools for first responders.
FirstNet will enhance the way Ohio’s fire, police, EMS and other public safety personnel communicate and share information. Specifically, it will:
- Connect first responder subscribers to the critical information they need in a highly secure manner when handling day-to-day operations, responding to emergencies and supporting large events.
- Create an efficient communications experience for public safety personnel in agencies and jurisdictions across the state when responding to natural disasters that occur such as severe winter snow and ice storms, tornadoes and flooding.
- Enhance network coverage across Ohio’s diverse landscape, benefitting first responders and residents throughout the state’s rural areas.
- Drive infrastructure investments and create jobs across the state.
- Usher in a new wave of dependable innovations for first responders. This will create an ever-evolving set of life-saving tools for public safety, including public safety apps, specialized devices and Internet of Things technologies. It also carries the potential for future integration with NextGen 9-1-1 networks and Smart Cities’ infrastructure.
FirstNet and AT&T designed Ohio’s network solution with direct input from the state’s public safety community. FirstNet has been meeting with Ohio’s officials and public safety personnel for several years to address their unique communication needs. These include expanding rural coverage beyond what is currently available and offering specialized services and devices at competitive prices.
“As evidenced by Ohio’s thoughtful consideration and decisive action, public safety is a top priority here in the state,” said AT&T Ohio President Adam Grzybicki. “First responders will now have immediate access to FirstNet’s life-saving communications tools, and we’re proud to support them in their mission to serve Ohio’s residents, day in and day out, for the next 25 years.”
The decision enables FirstNet and AT&T to begin creating an entirely new wireless ecosystem for public safety communications. Ohio’s first responder subscribers will have immediate access to quality of service and priority to voice and data across the existing nationwide AT&T LTE network.
Preemption for primary users over the AT&T LTE network is expected by year-end. This means fire, police, EMS and other public safety workers will have dedicated access to the network when and where they need it – 24/7/365, like their mission.
For more information on FirstNet, please go to FirstNet.gov/mediakit and att.com/FirstResponderNews. For more about the value FirstNet will bring to public safety, please go to FirstNet.com.
About FirstNet
The First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet) is an independent authority within the U.S. Department of Commerce. Chartered in 2012, its mission is to ensure the building, deployment, and operation of the nationwide, broadband network that equips first responders to save lives and protect U.S. communities. Learn more at FirstNet.gov/mediakitand follow FirstNet (@FirstNetGov) on Facebook and Twitter for updates.
*About AT&T
AT&T Inc. (NYSE:T) helps millions around the globe connect with leading entertainment, business, mobile and high speed internet services. We offer the nation’s best data network** and the best global coverage of any U.S. wireless provider. We’re one of the world’s largest providers of pay TV. We have TV customers in the U.S. and 11 Latin American countries. Nearly 3.5 million companies, from small to large businesses around the globe, turn to AT&T for our highly secure smart solutions.