NASA Awards Hydrosphere, Biosphere, Geophysics Support Services Contract

NASA has awarded a contract to Science Systems and Applications, Inc. (SSAI) of Lanham, Maryland, for hydrosphere, biosphere, and geophysics (HBG) support services.
The small business set-aside, cost-plus-fixed fee, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract has a minimum ordering value of $9 million and a maximum of $425 million. The five-year ordering period begins April 1. There is a 45-day phase-in period under a separate ordering agreement.
The purpose of this contract is to acquire scientific research services to conceive, develop and apply space, field-deployed (airborne and in situ), and laboratory-based technologies and observations. The work includes scientific research related to water resources, land and ocean ecosystems, health, global and regional sea-level change, natural hazards, changes in the Earth’s cryosphere, gravity field, magnetic field, solid Earth, topography, reference frames, and the effects of climate variability on Earth systems.
SSAI will provide a full range of science and research support across the breadth of various laboratories that make up the HBG Subdivision of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, including the Cryospheric Sciences, Ocean Ecology, Hydrological Sciences, Biospheric Sciences, Geodesy and Geophysics and Terrestrial Information Systems Laboratories.
The work will be performed at Goddard and the contractor’s facilities.
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