Revolutionary lighting system will save film studios 25% on their budget.

As a photographer, television studio, or movie director, imagine capturing something using top-quality illumination that revealed every detail of your object. A system providing the perfect visual settings in both professional brightness and color, for a fraction of the cost to use big game lighting equipment.
With Anthem One, you CAN.
Compared to any HMI 400W bulb (typical system used by professionals), Anthem One is twice as bright, half the weight, one-third the size and 2,000 times the lifespan for one-fourth the cost.
Quickly turn any room into your own studio using Anthem One’s Light Cards, a bulb-replacement that can run on 200W of power yet beams light 10% greater than 400W HMI bulb.
Ask any filmmaker and they will tell you that the money dedicated to lighting including crew cost, transportation (HMI’s are heavy!), energy generation (they require huge loud generators to work!), and set up time cost a fortune. With Anthem One you’re getting the exact same power, with a better light field, dimming capabilities, and the ability to run on battery. This can reduce the cost of making Hollywood movies by as much as 25%!
Freedom to Choose Color Variations
As a filmmaker, you can utilize Anthem One Light Cards to bring to life facial expressions, body movement and personality by using our variation of color recipes, brightness, and color renditions. It’s also flicker-free, enabling you to film at any frame rate, while most lighting sources won’t let you film past 40 frames per second.
Capable of Lighting any Space
And because it’s incredible ability of putting off columnated light that is as bright as a 2.4kW HMI bulb, you can use it in larger areas including news channel studios, warehouses – it’s powerful lighting even allows you to film perfectly outdoors at night.
Hollywood Appearance
Filmmaker Robert Rodriguez (renown for films such as Spy Kids, Desperado and Sin City) used Anthem One in a recent film of his and said he loved it’s lighting capability it brought to his scenes. Anthem One has even piqued the interest of famed Producer/Director Steven Soderbergh who is flying the Anthem One Team out to talk more on using the lighting system in potential movie shoots.
Small scale Accessibility
But while Anthem One is catching the eye of larger companies, ultimately, it’s the individual photographers and filmmakers who will benefit from it.
For those on the go, being small and lightweight means Anthem One allows for easy transportation, effortless setup, and 3 full hours of remote power.
Because of the resourceful and developed technology, Anthem One saves you thousands of dollars compared to renting common lighting systems.