TuckVisor Improves Driving Safety
Fountain Hills, AZ – May 8, 2018 – Everyone who drives has had to deal with this situation: the sun is rising or setting making it nearly impossible for you to see as it shines its blinding glare through your side window. You try swinging the visor to the side, but it’s just not in the right place to block this annoying glare.
Now, there’s a true solution to this problem and it’s the easiest thing you can do.
Made in the USA, TuckVisor is a removable and reusable side window sun visor. It is an effortless solution for blocking the sun and other sources of glare. It also reduces sun and heat exposure and eases eye strain.
Most importantly, however, TuckVisor improves driver safety. “Never again do you have to wonder if you are seeing everything because the glare in your eyes,” says TuckVisor inventor Rick Williams. “Now you have an easy and effective product to protect yourself and others on the road.”
Starting May 1st, TuckVisor will be available for purchase in over 200 TA / Petro locations across the USA. It is also available on Amazon.com and will be featured on the Home Shopping Network starting in June.
TuckVisor’s unique, patent pending shape fits all vehicles. Simply press TuckVisor flat against the window, slide it into position and tuck it into place. Untuck, reposition and re-tuck as needed. The visor is held firmly between the window and trim.
When glare and heat are not a problem, TuckVisor stores easily between the driver’s seat and center console. Visit www.tuckvisor.com for video demonstration and more product information.
You Tube Tuck Visor Video: https://youtu.be/kmg3pJ