Using The Right Methods To Do The Right Things, Kada Story Takes The Lead in The Industry Through Professionalism

HANGZHOU, China, June 15, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — The elementary reading of a child is the basis that determines the quality of the child’s lifetime educational development. Producing content for children’s elementary reading is a highly complex process that involves principles of child education, mechanisms in developmental psychology/physiology, and many other complicated factors that differ across individuals. To create professional, high-quality products for children’s elementary reading, Kada Story, China’s leading children’s digital content platform, has joined forces with education experts to embark on the “Top-level Content Structure and Educational Value Research & Development For Internet Picture Book Reading Platforms” project.
Kada Story’s undying commitment is to provide the best content to children. Since its founding, the company has been intricately molding products by combining the research results of experts in the field, experiences of top teachers, and the feedback results from actual children’s reading. At the current stage, the “Talent Program” has been developed. This product is a customized elementary reading program specially designed for two to six-year-olds. It leverages on internet technology and merges picture books that children love with early child education processes, the result of which is a systematic, comprehensive, and exquisite elementary reading service for children.
R & D for the top-level structure of the “Talent Program” combines professional input from multiple fields — child education development theories, the needs in children’s reading, internet product technology, etc. Experts from the project team used fundamental principles in child learning and development as the foundation on which the “Talent Program” was built. The product’s underlying content logic addresses the 5 major fields in child development — namely self-awareness, social-awareness, scientific exploration, arts, and language culture — as well as 19 sub-fields. This structure centers on children and education. It ensures content diversity through a bottom-up approach, addressing the needs in children’s reading. Different developmental formats are prescribed for children of different ages according to the psychological and awareness characteristics of the child, with content deployed from the bottom up, enhancing the multi-faceted, stable, and all-round development of the child under a system with the directive of providing graduated reading education.
The setting of standards for the opening & ending instructions, and test questions of picture books is the result of painstaking efforts and deliberation by project team experts and teachers after delving deep into the essence of the content in picture books during the educational value R & D process. Logicalness, literary value, cultural value, as well as entertainment value have all been taken into account in the content generation process, so that the multi-faceted demands of children’s elementary reading can be met with higher value, and better experiences delivered. At the same time, project team experts and teachers closely monitor the effects of “Talent Program” products on children in their use. Extensive analyses are conducted on children’s reading abilities, interests, habits, and other important elements, and the content and product experience delivery of the “Talent Program” are constantly optimized and upgraded. By integrating real-time, actual reading experiences of children, the “Talent Program” effectively brings theory and actual application into union.
Going forward, Kada Story will continually upgrade and optimize the “Talent Program” by drawing on the experiences of expert teachers, working on quality content/superior product designs, delivering quality experiences, using massive amounts of effective data, AI technology, etc., providing even better, more professional elementary reading products for children. The company will lead the way of development in the industry for children’s elementary reading.
SOURCE Kada Story