3D printing and sustainability meet high-end audio. The dotts M are the first 3D printed Wireless headphones

dotts (2017) is a Madrid based startup focused on revolutionize the audio market by creating unique products that adapt to the individual needs and style of each person.
“If we are all unique then why do all of our headphones look the same? Instead of designing a headphone for everyone we decided to let our clients design their own headphones, making sure that it really fits each individual needs and style. And what is more important, in a sustainable way.” says Pablo Noguerol, CEO of dotts.
“We have placed design at the heart of dotts M development. Instead of responding to market forces designing a regular headphone that could fit everyone we decided to let our customers forge their unique identity through the dotts M.” says Jacobo Medina, Chief Designer Officer of dotts.
Instead of manufacturing the whole product in China dotts has an in-house production model. In that way, dotts is not only avoiding unnecessary transport but also controlling the quality and the processes of everything they do.
The dotts M has 600 possible combinations, an amazing ultra-flexible headband, and an audio technology incorporated that is up to best the brands of the market for a fraction of the price of brands like BOSE or Beats By Dre.
The dotts M is a unique piece of technology fully engineered by dotts team that enhances the sound experience, taking it to the next level. It has an accurate sound with a slight boost in the bass and lower midrange, developing a very unique sound signature.
The dotts M is a completely upgradable product, which means that you will be able to upgrade the electronics without needing to pay for a whole new product, change the color of the headphones if you are tired of it and repair the whole headphone if it breaks without needing to pay for a new one.
“We feel is the responsibility of new companies and startups to find new and innovative ways of doing things. We take seriously our commitment to finding ways of being as environmentally responsible as possible. The dotts M are made of Bioplastics and 100% Eco-friendly materials using more sustainable techniques.” says Sergio Noguerol, Chief Operations Officer of dotts.