How to Get the Most from Old Tech Revivals and New Tech Makeovers

One of the reasons tech is so popular is that it provides a constant source of new and exciting gadgets and experiences. The new seems to be valued above all else in modern society, but if you’ve been ignoring what came before, you could be missing out. Just because new developments have superseded a particular technology doesn’t necessarily mean it no longer has any value. It would be hard to make a case for going back to using floppy disks in your computer (and you’d have to have an old PC to be able to use them anyway!), but there are plenty of examples of older tech that still has value in the modern world. Not only that, but you can use cutting-edge tech to breathe new life into older possessions, transforming them into stylish and surprising assets.
Embracing the tech of yesteryear
There are several examples of what you might consider outdated tech that has been given a new lease of life.
- Vinyl recordings: Digital music has opened up access to an extensive back catalog that you can access at any time via a streaming service. You don’t need to own a single CD anymore, just go online and play any tracks from any artist wherever you are. So why has there been a vinyl revival? Part of it is the nostalgia. There is something very satisfying about holding the sleeve of an LP and admiring the artwork, or reading the lyrics from the inner sleeve as the music plays. Many aficionados claim the quality of the sound is still superior on vinyl, and DJs still swear by them for live performances. Values of old records are rising again, and the sales of new LPs are increasing, so there must be some truth to these claims – why not see for yourself?
- VHS videotapes: tapes were a revolution when they first arrived, but compared to modern recording devices and streaming services they are clunky, poor quality, and prone to damage and deterioration. Nevertheless, there’s a movement towards resurrecting videotape as a popular medium. There are even independent cinema facilities being set up where visitors can go to watch videos. You can’t deny that the tech is inferior in this old format, but it’s true that there are many examples of recordings that aren’t available on any other medium, which is a good enough reason for many people to drag out their old VHS players. If you’ve hung onto an old collection of tapes, you might even find that some of them have become pretty valuable!
- Gaming: One of the primary examples of a market where new developments are the lifeblood of the industry. It’s all about the newest versions of games, the improved graphics, the multiplayer functionality and the latest games consoles and gaming PCs. However, even amongst the most dedicated gamers, it has become increasingly popular to play older games on the original equipment. If you’ve got an old Sega Megadrive up in the attic, dust it off and stick in an old games cartridge. It’s a bit like having fun with a go-cart when you’ve got a brand-new sports car in the driveway! Again, it’s part nostalgia, but these old games like Super Mario Bros, Donkey Kong, and Sonic the Hedgehog still have all the elements that made them popular in their heyday. It can also be highly amusing watching the limited capabilities of certain games – sports games are some of the best, with their cartoon graphics and stilted movements!
Classic cars and trucks
Old vehicles can be objects of beauty, but they’re hardly practical in terms of safety, performance, and comfort. Piloting a classic 1950s truck around may look stylish, but with no air-conditioning or power steering, you’re more likely to be hot and tired than cool and casual. This is where modern tech can perform a transformation by combining the aesthetic qualities of a classic vehicle with the comfort and convenience of modern motoring. Companies like Velocity Restorations will take an old car or truck, strip it back and restore the bodywork and interiors, and upgrade or replace the original engine and mechanics to give you the advantages of a modern vehicle in an old body. You can customize your ride with almost any new tech you wish, including high-performance engines, braking, and suspension; plus electronic systems for climate control, heated seats and windscreens, sound systems, GPS capabilities, and computer-aided engine management. You can also design a custom paint job for your vehicle using modern spray-painting technology to create stunning visual effects and graphics.
Tech upgrades at home
Just because something is old doesn’t mean it has lost its value. There could be all sorts of items around your home that were manufactured a while ago, but that you want to keep because they look good, or have sentimental value. There are simple fixes like rejuvenating an old lamp with an energy-saving lightbulb and adding a dimmer or timer switch. There are also more complicated projects that you could consider. You could repurpose an old piece of furniture to house your gaming equipment for instance, or fit CCTV equipment into an old stuffed toy to make a nanny cam. It’s amazing how many ideas there are for these kinds of projects, and re-using your existing possessions instead of throwing them away makes economical and ecological sense. You can apply this principle to your entire home, too. Many older properties could be revitalized by the addition of new lighting, heating, and security systems, or the inclusion of multiple connectivity technologies to give you seamless Internet access and allow you to listen to music or watch TV in every room in the house.
These are just a few examples of why you shouldn’t dismiss older tech and the ways in which new tech can rejuvenate your older possessions. You’ll find websites devoted to each of these concepts that will be full of good advice and ideas for your own projects. Modern tech is undoubtedly thrilling and rewarding, but that doesn’t mean you should consign everything else to the garbage.