The Dark Occult | New Name and New Game Mode

CASABLANCA, MORROCO – November 6, 2018 – RYM Games announced today that their videogame formerly known as The Conjuring House has a new name – The Dark Occult. RYM Games’ psychologically-driven horror title has driven players to ear-piercing screams as they run terrified away from the disfigured residents that creep within the walls of the house. The game’s new name was chosen because it effectively conveys the game’s sinister themes and demonic denizens.
Additionally, to help players that may not have the, ahem, guts to play through the game, RYM Games has now added Dread Mode to the game. The new default game mode will give players a few more tools to help them through the haunted halls of The Dark Occult, such as higher player endurance, less difficulty, and a map that highlights important areas in the game. For players willing to take a risk and battle the demons head on, Terror Mode will fit their gameplay needs.
Download the The Dark Occult Dread Mode trailer and art assetsHERE:
View the Dread Mode trailer HERE:
In addition to the new mode coming to the game, The Dark Occult will now feature Steam Achievements. Players can prove to their friends just how tough they are by earning up to 46 badges for finding keys, running away from the demon woman, destroying artifacts, and much more.
Dread Mode Key Features:
- In-Game Map: The map will show the location of locked doors within the house, as well as the corresponding symbol on the key that is required to unlock it. Additionally, the map will show the position of safe areas, strong boxes, and keyed cupboards and safes.
- Player Endurance: Players will have more stamina at the start of their gameplay session and an even faster recovery.
- Enhanced Flashlight Functionality: The flashlight will be self-rechargeable when it is turned off, saving players from having to hunt for batteries.
- Reduced Difficulty: Some gameplay sequences will have reduced difficulty for those that prefer less of a challenge.
- Visual Hints: The new mode uses more light sources that give players hints towards the right path.
In The Dark Occult, players are sent to the Atkinson House to investigate unusual happenings surrounding the death of the owner. Players take the role of a lone survivor from a group of investigators sent to the house to research the sickening death of its owner, whose body mysteriously decomposed in less than a day. Upon entering, players discover that they are unable to leave and are haunted by an incessant demonic woman who stalks them with murderous intent. Artifacts of the occult must be destroyed in order to survive vicious attacks by the game’s many creatures and puzzles. Players must be vigilant with every move, twist and turn, as the woman, and countless others create lurk. The Dark Occult is filled with anxiety, panic, and real consequences that scar the mind. You will die.
The Dark Occult is now available on Steam for $24.99. To request a review code, email Shannon McPherson ( For more information and the latest updates, head over to the Steam page, like us onFacebook, follow us on Twitter, subscribe to us on YouTube, and check out the RYM Games website.
RYM GAMES is an independent game studio based in Morocco founded by former developers from Ubisoft. They’ve worked on multiple titles such Prince of Persia andRayman. The Dark Occult is the studio’s first title, a paranormal horror experience which aims to bring back the old-school horror feeling. Their mission is to build high quality games, and create interactive experiences focused on emotion, and the feeling of living a unique adventure.