New PhoneSoap Go Sanitizes and Charges Mobile Devices on the Go, Eliminating Germs and Keeping Users Connected

LINDON, Utah — Dec. 13, 2018 — PhoneSoap, the first and only smartphone charger that cleans and sanitizes the device while it charges, launches the portable version of its classic PhoneSoap device – PhoneSoap Go. The new, travel-friendly PhoneSoap Go ensures smartphones are always charged and germ-free anywhere the user goes.


The battery-powered PhoneSoap Go has the power to disinfect a smartphone 45 times and/or charge it up to four times on a single charge. PhoneSoap Go can also sanitize anything that fits inside its sanitation bay, such as keys, credit cards or earbuds. Simply pack the PhoneSoap Go in its handy carrying case, pack it in a suitcase, briefcase or purse, and stay germ-free anywhere life takes you.


lab study found that the average phone is 18 times dirtier than a public restroom. Throughout the day, users pick up germs from everything they touch – the toilet handle, the gas station pump or the subway turnstile. Everything they touch eventually gets on their smartphones, where the germs multiply in the warm environment of their pockets or bag. These bacteria can then end up on their face, mouth and even their food.

The PhoneSoap Go uses germicidal UV-C lights to kill 99.99% of the germs living on a phone, without the use of harmful heat or chemicals. This UV-C light breaks apart germ DNA, leaving it unable to function or reproduce, and neutralizes bacteria that have developed a resistance to antibiotics.


PhoneSoap’s portable version is an essential smartphone accessory for anyone who treats their phone like a third hand, taking it everywhere they go. Anyone from travelers to health professionals and parents, who lend their smartphones to their children, can benefit from PhoneSoap’s sanitizing and charging features. With PhoneSoap Go, users can eliminate the possibility of them and their loved ones getting sick from the germs growing and living on a smartphone.


To sanitize a phone, lock the screen and place it in the sanitizing bay. Close the lid and touch the lightning bolt on top of the unit to begin the sanitation cycle. The lightning bolt will glow blue while it is disinfecting the phone and will shut off automatically after ten minutes. If users want to charge a phone while sanitizing it, simply plug in the phone’s charging cable into the back of the PhoneSoap Go before closing the lid, or plug the phone in at any time to charge the phone like a traditional power bank would.

To charge the PhoneSoap Go, plug the accompanying power cord into the back of the product and plug the USB end of the power cord into a USB power adapter. Once it is plugged into an outlet, it will begin re-charging. The four integrated LED indicators on top of the PhoneSoap Go will illuminate when it is fully charged. Users can check the level of the PhoneSoap’s 7000mAh battery by holding down the lightning button and checking the LED indicators on the top of the PhoneSoap Go. Each indicator represents 25%; when all four are lit, it is at 100%.


The PhoneSoap Go is available now in Indigo for $99.95, plus an additional 20% off when using the code Travel20, at


PhoneSoap was invented by cousins Dan Barnes and Wes LaPorte after they watched a TV report that claimed cell phones were contaminated by fecal matter and that the average cell phone is 18 times dirtier than a public restroom. After appearing on season six of Shark Tank in 2015 and making a deal with QVC’s Lori Greiner, PhoneSoap took off. It has since developed new versions of its classic PhoneSoap, including Wireless and XL versions. PhoneSoap’s focus continues to be making the world a healthier place.


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