New Ships, Missions, and More Arrive in World of Warships’ New Year’s Update

The “Belle Époque” Collection also arrives in this update, which is quite possibly the most beautiful collection in World of Warships so far. Through this collection, developers are paying tribute to the glorious historical period on the turn of the 20thcentury, a pre-dreadnought era when lavishly decorated coal-powered ships sailed the seas.
For players who have earned the Prinz Eitel Friedrich battleship, this update will introduce the “Mighty Prinz” Campaign. It will contribute to the good old New Year’s tradition celebrated in World of Warships by offering players a rewarding gameplay experience, as well as the following five researchable Tier VI ships with permanent New Year-inspired camouflage patterns: Hatsuharu, Nürnberg, Icarus, Dallas, and Normandie. Completing the campaign earns players a unique permanent camouflage for their Prinz Eitel Friedrich battleship.
For those looking to speed up their XP earning potential in World of Warships, there’s now a new World of Warships Premium Account option. Separate from the Wargaming Premium Account, the Warships Premium option allows for even faster XP gain for players, helping them unlock ships and train crews more quickly.
Lastly, the “Snowflakes” event launches exclusively with this update. Players will now be able to earn valuable Coal and Steel simply by playing the ships that are marked with a snowflake. The one-time bonus will be obtained after a victorious battle and dependent on the type and tier of each ship.
Along with the content updates, patch 0.7.12 adds new balance changes and two new seasons of Ranked Sprints. For more information about the World of Warshipsand all of these updates, please visit