Say Hello to Adero, the First Intelligent Organization System that Makes Any Bag a Smart Bag

Santa Barbara, CA. – Today, Adero, the new brand that frees you from worrying about your things, launches its flagship product, the first-ever intelligent organization system. Adero calms the chaos of daily life by turning any bag into a smart bag through its system of Smart Tags and Taglets, along with an easy-to-use app. Adero works as a tiny personal assistant to make sure you’ve got what you need by enabling the Taglets to communicate with the Smart Tag, saying “I am here.”  Adero can also send a push notification to remind you to grab your bag for activities such as work, the gym or travel and let you know if something’s missing from your bag, so you can grab it before it’s too late. The Adero Starter Kit is available today for purchase on for $119.99.

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Busy lives come with a lot of things. According to a 10,000-person survey conducted in August 2018 with Innovate Market Research, everyday responsibilities such as managing family schedules and belongings weigh heavily on people’s minds, so much so that people who misplace things are 85% more likely to report being overwhelmed by “mental load.” Mental load, the overall cognitive burden on the brain when executing tasks, strongly correlates with chronic stress and anxiety. Adero mitigates this mental load by helping users stay organized.

“Smart devices were supposed to make our lives better, but we’ve discovered over the past decade that connecting anything and everything possible to the Internet is adding to our burden instead of alleviating it,” said Adero’s Chief Executive Officer Nate Kelly. “More apps to manage, more devices to keep an eye on, more cords to untangle—it’s too much. Adero is giving your essentials awareness and intelligence to keep track of themselves so you don’t have to. We’re transferring the anxiety from you to our system of tags, effectively telling them to “take care of this bag” and “take care of the essentials in this bag,” freeing your mind to focus on what matters most.”

Tag it so you’ll have it
Setting up Adero is simple. Just place a Smart Tag on your bag, whether it’s your diaper bag, travel carry-on, gym bag or backpack. Then stick Taglets on the things you never want to leave behind, such as the wipes case in your diaper bag, your passport in your carry-on, your headphones in your gym bag or your laptop in your backpack. Now your things are in constant communication with your smart bag, letting it know if they are all together.

Know when things aren’t together
Want to make sure you have everything but don’t want to dig through your bag? Just press your Smart Tag and if it lights up red, you’ll know to check the Adero app to see what’s missing. If it’s green, you’re good to go.

Set up Adero notifications based on your schedule so you’ll have the confidence that everything you need is packed ahead of time. One notification for weekdays at 7 a.m. to let you know if your laptop is in your work bag, one for Tuesday’s spin class at 4 p.m. to make sure you have your spin shoes, and one for your upcoming business trip to ensure your computer charger is packed in your suitcase before you leave for the airport. You can even set one up for your child’s backpack, so you can spend less time checking if they have their lunchbox, and more time talking about the day ahead.

Features at a glance:

Adero is available online in a Starter Kit (available Dec. 3) and a Deluxe Kit (coming soon):

AVAILABLE DEC. 3:Starter Kit ($119.99) COMING SOON:Deluxe Kit ($199.99)
●     3 Smart Tags○     3 Smart Tag Adhesive Cases

○     3 Keyrings

○     3 Lanyards

●     3 Taglets

●     1 Smart Tag Charger

●     5 Smart Tags○     5 Smart Tag Adhesive Cases

○     5 Keyrings

○     5 Lanyards

●     9 Taglets

●     1 Smart Tag Charger

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About Adero
Adero helps you keep it together by giving your things the ability to be there when you need them most. The Southern California tech company wants you to lead a less stressful life by taking away the need to worry about your things. Adero makes your things intelligent so you can stay organized.

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