These I See Red Enemies Will Feel Your Wrath

Soon, you’ll get the chance to take your revenge in the the rage-fueled, top-down, twin-stick roguelite I See Red, but you need to know what you’re up against before you do. Space is a dangerous place, and the foes you’ll fight in 2621 will come in with guns blazing! Fortunately, Gameforge and Whiteboard Games scored valuable intel about the alien, human, and robot targets you’ll get to take down when checking names off your I See Red enemies list.

When it comes to aliens in I See Red, there are five extraterrestrial threats to exterminate:
- Ranged Alien: This I See Red enemy biologically manufactures its own ammunition. If they get you in its sights, they’ll unleash Machine Gun, Railgun, and Shotgun-style rounds — even while moving! Fortunately, you’ll have the chance to strike back while they are reloading.
- Brute Alien: Like the Hulk, these extraterrestrials are bulky, brawny, and you won’t like them when they’re angry! Since these enemies rely on sound to pinpoint your location, they only launch into an attack when they can hear you. Once their health drops below 50%, they become enraged, more alert, and swifter than before.
- Toxic Alien: As these fellows’ name suggests, just being near them is hazardous to your health! They constantly secrete a toxic liquid that damages you when continually exposed to it. (That ooze can even slow down robots! Maybe you can use it to your advantage…) Even in death you can’t escape this poison, as a Toxic Alien will leave a pool of hazardous waste behind as a final goodbye.
- Spitter Alien: Think of this enemy as a living turret. If you’re near one or moving, a Spitter Alien will get up and regroup. But once they see you’re prone, they will strategically plant themselves and start assaulting you with toxic pellets that create a smokescreen and continually deal damage.
- Hunter Alien: Woe to anyone who crosses this alien, as they are desperate for revenge as you are. Their approaches vary, reacting to your own actions. They are ready to ambush you, dodge your attacks, and dash to close distances. You never know which direction the next strike is coming from!

Robots are fearless automatons who relentlessly pursue one goal: your annihilation! However, these machines will soon be at the mercy of your rage and reduced to scrap:
- Ranged Robot: Melee and energy weapons are all standard built-ins for every Ranged Robot, meaning it’ll dash into firing range to unleash its laser, Tesla bolts, or energy grenades. If you get too close, it’ll counter with a physical attack.
- Drone Robot: This infuriating foe is almost always in flight, flitting around to pick at your health when in firing range. Keep calm and be ready to drag it toward you with your grappling hook, or strike back when it does take a moment to reload.
- Rebound Robot: Frontal assaults against a Rebound Robot are a bad idea, because it will absorb all bullets and retaliate with energy blasts. You’ll need to backstab this baddie to deal any meaningful damage. Just take care to avoid the melee attacks when you do!
- Blade Robot: Imagine a top with two razor-sharp machetes attached to it. That’s what you’re dealing with when a Blade Robot appears. It irregularly races around the area, careening toward you like a serrated tornado.
- Artillery Robot: If you hear an Artillery Robot make a noise three times, then it’s already too late. This deliberate attacker’s laser cannon takes time to load every devastating shot. Once it does does, the piercing attack will blow away everything in its way. The only way to stop it is to take it out.
- Core Robot: Stripping away a Core Robot’s armor is only half the battle. This automaton’s critical core is hidden beneath layers of plating. You must destroy this outer shell to put a stop to its homing missiles and projectiles. But you need to be swift, as the Core Robot will eventually summon its shields again.

If you thought at least you could trust your fellow humans in I See Red, you’d be wrong, as the human enemies you’ll encounter are also out for blood. And they’re not alone, as they’re accompanied by robotic allies who are on their side:
- Ranged Human: These adaptable foes will change their tactics based on what they have available. Does a human enemy in I See Red carry a gun? They’ll keep you in their sights, constantly shooting when they can. Gun runs out of bullets? They’ll throw it at you! Don’t have a gun? Look for another weapon nearby. If there’s nothing else, fists are nature’s weapons! Just be careful if a healing machine is nearby, because they’ll retreat, restore themselves, and return.
- Charger Robot: Charge! This heavily armored robot is headed right for you the second it gets you in its sights, destroying any objects that get in its way. Fortunately, you can use a grappling hook to pull away the shields. If you get one riled up and in Rage Mode, then you can even pull off a Brutal Murder!
- Disruptor Robot: This human enemy ally is ready to shake things up. Like any true agent of chaos, a Disruptor Robot chooses violence. It will grab any item not nailed down and throw it at you to deal damage. When it runs out of “ammo” or it gets weak, it’ll unleash a kamikaze attack to try and cause a massive explosion that will take both of you out!
- Dog Robot: Definitely not man’s best friend, these mechanical mutts may be small and fast, but they hit hard. They’ll watch you from afar, then chase and leap on you to attack. Be careful, because they might attack in packs!
- Armored Ranged Human: The Ranged Human leveled up! Thanks to additional experience and experience, this wily foe can pack two weapons and dons impressive armor. As you’d expect from this more advanced enemy, they will also be more aware of your movements and be ready to maintain an appropriate distance when attacking.
- Human Drone: This tiny, ranged opponent is ready to pester you with an aerial assault. You won’t see this drone’s operator, but you will see it swiftly sidle up to you and unleash a barrage of bullets.

I See Red is a fast-paced and frantic story of rage and revenge. The year is 2621. You are an outlaw traveling the infinite depths of space, searching for those who have wronged you to dish out the ultimate punishment. With a unique dichromatic aesthetic, your view of the world is consumed by wrath as the targets of your retribution appear in a deathly red, while the rest of the world around you fades to gray. Consumed by anger, everything that surrounds you can be destroyed—ship hardware, furniture, and most importantly, enemies. Uncover a host of diverse weaponry, augments, skills, and abilities to lay waste to your foes as brutally as they deserve. As a top-down, twin-stick roguelite, every playthrough unlocks a stronger version of yourself as you improve your very own cloning machine. Bring entire ships to total collapse, exercise justice against invading spaceships, robots, aliens, humans—the entire galaxy. Rage and crush them all. Rage and make them pay. Rage and get your revenge. You. Must. Not. Stop.
I See Red is a GameConnection x ChinaJoy’s Indie Development Awards nominee. It competed in the Best Hardcore Game, Best Story, Best Visual Art, Jury’s Honorable Mention, Most Creative and Original Game, and People’s Choice Award categories.
Gamers can experience I See Red firsthand at Argentina’s EVA Play 2022 between September 16-17. Stop by Whiteboard Games’ booth at Buenos Aires City’s Centro Cultural Kirchner to learn more about the game and score swag like stylish stickers!
I See Red will be available on PC via Steam and Epic Games Store in 2022.
Try the I See Red demo, available in 13 languages, via Steam here:
Keep up-to-date with the latest I See Red news by following the game on Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Discord, liking it on Facebook, and visiting the official I See Red website.