Simple Ways to be More Eco-Friendly

As we become a more environmentally friendly society, people are starting to consciously consider their daily choices and how they can do their part to help our planet. If you want to do your part to help the environment, you don’t have to make drastic changes right away. There are simple things you can do each day to ensure you’re reducing your carbon footprint and wasting less valuable energy our planet needs. Here are some simple ways to get started on the path a more environmentally friendly way of living.

Reuse and Recycle

Tons of unnecessary waste makes its way into our landfills each year, which has a drastic impact on the environment. If we don’t dispose of our trash properly we are harming the environment and causing piles of garbage that could have been put to better use. Instead, before you toss something out, check to see if it’s recyclable. You may be surprised by the amount of things you throw away that can actually be tossed in the recycle bin instead. You may also want to try to repurpose items, such as glass bottles, to keep them out of our landfills. While you’re getting into the habit of recycling and reusing your items, swap those pesky plastic bags out for reusable canvas bags. They’re more durable than plastic bags and you’ll be cutting back on massive amounts of waste by making this simple switch.

Turn off the Light

Many people are guilty of leaving lights on when they’re not in the room. Pay attention to your energy usage around your home to see what tweaks you can make to use less energy. Turn off lights when you leave a room or put your lights on timers so they are only being used when you’ll be likely to use them. While you’re assessing your lightbulb usage, swap out old light bulbs for ones that are more energy efficient, such as CFLs.


If you have a daily commute, it can be really eat away at your gas consumption and increase the amount of carbon emissions you put out in the environment. If you have coworkers who live close by, start a carpooling group to save money and the environment. If you don’t live near any coworkers, then you may want to consider upgrading to a more modern car, which has likely been designed to be more eco friendly and less likely to have harmful emissions.

Be a Borrower

One of the worst habits people have gotten into over the years is filling their homes with stuff they don’t need. In fact, storage unit usage has exploded in recent years as people scramble to find a suitable place to store all their excess. Instead of fixing something when it’s broke, people have also fallen into the habit of simply replacing it, perpetuating a throwaway culture. Instead of running out to buy something next time you think you need it, consider whether it’s a need or a want and if you can get it cheaper second hand or borrowed. Swap meets are a great way to share items with other people, especially if you only need the item for a short period of time. This is especially true if you have children who, as we know, go through frequent growth spurts. Instead of buying new clothes each time they size up, set up a system with friends to share clothing so you don’t have to purchase something new every few months.

There are many mindful ways you can help the environment without making entire lifestyle adjustments. These are just a few simple ways to get you started with living a more environmentally friendly lifestyle.

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