How to Prepare for Military Training

It’s a common misconception that you can turn up to military training in almost any shape that you like, and they will help to get you prepared physically. But the truth is, turning up in bad shape is going to make training much more difficult for you to handle, and you might find yourself in a situation where you need to put a lot of extra work in just to pass. Often, people turn up to the first day of basic training or academy in no kind of shape to even start off on a group run which ultimately holds them back from making the progress that they need to. So, if you’re considering serving in the military, bear in mind that your preparation needs to begin long before your first day of basic training. Working out regularly now and getting your body and mind ready will make training a much easier and enjoyable process for you to follow. Here are some top tips for getting starting with preparing yourself for military training.

Be Motivated:

First of all, you will need to dedicate yourself to staying motivated and constantly reminding yourself of your goals and why you are working towards them. Preparing for and undergoing military training is no easy task, but it’s certainly worth it in the end. You will need to understand that your fitness level could mean the difference between life or death for you or your partner when serving in the military, or prevent you from saving a victim. Check out this article on custom challenge coins used by the military; they are a great keepsake to carry around with you to remind you of your goals and the reasons why you chose to serve.

Work on Your Upper Body Strength:

Much of basic military training is based around upper body strength, so it’s a wise idea to focus your workouts around this in the run-up to your first day. Make sure that you can easily do pushups, sit-ups, and pull-ups, as you will be put through your paces regularly with these exercises. Whether it’s a test or you’re being required to climb fences or rope, jump walls, handle opponents and even carry people, your upper body strength is crucial. Practice these skills and improve your strength using a combination of weights, ropes, walls and fences. Don’t ever assume that you’ll be able to manage without putting in plenty of practice beforehand.

Run More:

Although there’s no need to be a marathon runner in order to successfully pass your basic military training, it’s important to incorporate some running into your regular workout plan. A minimum of 15-20 miles a week, whether you run on a treadmill or in the outdoors, is a great base to start off with. This will help you with endurance and agility tests during training, in addition to preventing over-use injuries during your training program such as shin splints, joint tendonitis and stress fractures. And, getting used to running regularly will improve your heart health and make it easier for you to cope with the daily demands of military service.

Be a Team Player:

When you are going through your basic training, there will be several instances where you will be required to work alongside others as part of a team. So, it’s a good idea to try and work out as part of a group as you prepare; this will help you work well with others in a similar kind of setting and get you used to what comes next. In addition to working on your physical strength and ability, it’s also a wise idea to practice your team work skills; in the military you will be expected to follow orders, along with developing ideas and sharing them with your team, working well together to get the desired result whether you’re out in the field or back at the base.

Learn the Ranks:

Preparing for entering military training isn’t all about improving your fitness. It’s also a good idea to spend some time studying military ranks and learning more about them so that when you start, you know what to expect. In addition, it’s a wise idea to study about the unit that you are joining; get information on its history, heroes and famous people – after all, you’d do some research before starting any other job. If you’re not clued up on the ranking system and basic information on your unit when you join, be prepared to pay the price in push-ups and other physically demanding duties.

Lose or Gain Weight:

Don’t think that you can start your basic training under or over the weight standards and the military will help you get to where you want to be. Initial training is designed for individuals who fit into these weight and fitness standards already to improve their fitness further and train them for actual military work. Bear in mind that being heavy or overweight will make it even more challenging for you when running or tackling obstacle courses. If most of your weight is in muscle, then this will work to your advantage with strength testing, but don’t let it hamper your cardiovascular performance.

Eat Right:

In addition to preparing yourself for the military diet, eating right will provide your body with the fuel that it needs for fully preparing itself for training and beyond. Make sure that your diet consists of good carbohydrates and foods that are high in protein, such as fruit and vegetables, lean meats, eggs, and nuts, seeds and legumes. Don’t fall into the trap of relying on caffeine or energy drinks to keep you going; they may provide a short spike of energy, but this isn’t enough to healthily fuel your workouts and give your body the nutrients that it needs to recover and improve.

Military training isn’t something that you can use to improve your health and fitness levels. If you are serious about joining the military, you’ll need to make sure that you’re physically and mentally prepared before your first day.

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