The Top Jobs Working With Technology

If you have a passion for technology and spend your time reading about all of the latest gadgets and developments, then you may want to consider a career in this field. Technology is undergoing extraordinary growth right now with advances constantly being made in many different sectors. This makes it an exciting time for tech lovers but also presents the opportunity to make a living out of your interests. There are many different areas to consider, and this will depend on your interests, knowledge and skill set, but here are a few career ideas if you are passionate about everything related to technology.



Software plays an enormous role in today’s digital world and is used heavily by people, businesses, governments and various other organizations. A software developer has the crucial task of inventing software systems to a specific brief. This means that you will need to have technical skills but also be creative and able to work closely alongside people, which can also be a very lucrative role to land and one which will be heavily in-demand in the coming years.



Similarly, mobile apps are used by just about everyone and can serve all kinds of different functions. A mobile application developer will design, develop, test, debug and maintain various mobile apps as needed. This requires a substantial range of skills with strong analytical, programming and coding being key.



If you live and breathe video games and possess (or are willing to learn) developer skills, then a career as a game developer could be for you. The video game industry is going through tremendous growth right now, and a game developer will be a highly in-demand role for the foreseeable future. Again, you must have a mixture of technical and creative skills to thrive in this role.



Businesses in practically every industry rely very heavily on some form of database for their operation. A database administrator will create, store and maintain high-quality databases and make sure that they are easily accessible to the necessary people. Data plays a pivotal role in modern-day business, and the database administrator will be the all-important guardian of this data, so it is a crucial job.



It is unfortunate, but the rise of technology in recent times has also led to the rise of cybercrime. New threats are constantly being developed which means that there is an ongoing war against cybercriminals. At the forefront of this is information security analysts who prepare and carry out measures that protect computer systems and networks. Choosing to work in this sector will be secure and an in-demand job for the foreseeable future.



Every business and organization needs a high-quality website in today’s day and age. People turn to the internet when they need a product or service, so having a strong online presence is essential. A web designer will be able to craft attractive, easy-to-use, optimized and functional websites according to the brief. This means that they will need strong technical, creative and interpersonal skills.



It is challenging to keep up with all of the latest tech developments, trends, and news when there are so many advances being made. A tech writer has the important role of introducing and explaining complex technology to the world and will often be able to use this tech before the public which makes it an appealing prospect for tech lovers. In addition to being familiar with the latest technology, you must also possess strong research skills as well as writing skills.



Electrical engineers shape so much of the modern world, so it is a highly in-demand, rewarding and important role. They are tasked with designing, developing, testing and maintaining new electrical systems and can work across multiple sectors. This can be a competitive field which is why it is important to earn respected qualifications, such as an online electrical engineering degree in Canada. This will teach you everything that you need to know to thrive in this industry.



It is inevitable that people run into various problems with their IT systems whether this is an individual or organization. If you find yourself often solving IT issues for friends and family, then a role as a technical support specialist could be right for you. This will require troubleshooting, technical and communication skills and there are various environments that you could work in. This will continue to be an essential role, particularly as technology advances.



A UX designer considers the user experience on a website, mobile app or software application and will use their expertise to create a greater experience – this requires both technical and creative skills. In a time where people visit and use so many websites and apps each day it has become hugely important to consider the user experience as they will simply find another source if it is difficult to navigate, unattractive or poorly designed.



Few technologies have generated as much excitement as virtual reality over the years. VR technology has advanced rapidly in recent times, and it is now starting to appear in a wide number of different industries. The role of a VR engineer will be highly in demand in the coming years as the technology is complex yet incredibly useful in so many different areas with gaming, teaching, training, and healthcare being just a few areas. This role will involve using 3D modeling tools and visualization techniques to create virtual worlds – as you would expect, this is another role that requires technical skills, imagination and creativity.


Technology plays an enormous role in modern day life, and this will only continue as the tech continues to advance and find use in various industries. Those with interest in technology should look into a career where you get to work with tech each day, and these are a few of the best options which could provide an advantageous, creative and lucrative career path.

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