Sony Electronics Brings 16K-capable Display System to Consumers’ Living Rooms with Crystal LED Residential Solutions - Cerebral-Overload
PARAMUS, N.J., Sept. 12, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Sony Electronics Inc. today announced the availability of its award-winning Crystal LED display system for home installation. Having initially introduced the technology for use in commercial and entertainment venues, Sony Electronics now offers residential configurations and installation, giving consumers an unrivaled home theater technology capable of displaying 8K HDR video content and beyond – PARAMUS, N.J., Sept. 12, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Sony Electronics Inc. today announced the availability of its award-winning Crystal LED display system for home installation. Having initially introduced the technology for use in commercial and entertainment venues, Sony Electronics now offers residential configurations and installation, giving consumers an unrivaled home theater technology capable of displaying 8K HDR video content and beyond –