National Blogger Day Review: Sean’s Ramblings

For our local Pittsburgh Blogger group on Facebook, I decided for National Blogger Day (which I missed by a mile). We should get together and review each other’s sites. It helps you find new blogs you may not have heard of, and maybe you will find something new to pass your time. This year, I got paired with Sean’s Ramblings. Sean is a Yinzer (Pittsburgher) who has thought’s and opinions on many, may things. That’s one of the great things about his site, You aren’t stuck with just one thing to read. Hi’s blog runs the gambit. He talks about everything from the Washington Nationals win, to Cerebral-Overload (that i must say is an awesome website), to Mr. T , to pop culture, and the Pittsburgh Sports Teams.
Not only does Sean talk about things, he gives you his opinion on some of the topics. If you want to see what an opinion of a regular person is, not just some overpaid celebrity, Sean’s Ramblings is the place to go.
Go check out Sean’s Ramblings and see what you think. While you are there, take a look on the right side of his blog and check out the other blogs that give Sean inspiration, and something for him to talk about.
*** Disclaimer. Me enjoying Sean’s Site and sharing it with you, in no way has anything to do with feeling bad for kicking his rear in our Blogger Fantasy Football League this year. ***