The Art of Prepping Meat

Mastering the art of prepping meat is a must on the road to becoming a pitmaster. Ensuring meat is cooked perfectly every time is an impressive skill, whether you’re searing a steak or roasting a whole turkey. In this guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know to prepare meat like a pro. From delicious rubs to skillfully aging beef, you’ll be able to impress with the best cooked meat anyone has tasted.Quick NavigationThe Dos and Don’ts of Prepping MeatMeat Preparation TechniquesMethods of Tenderizing MeatMethods of Seasoning Your MeatWant to Learn More?
The Dos and Don’ts of Prepping Meat
1. Don’t Rinse Meat Before Cooking
A lot of people wash meat or rinse it before cooking but it’s not needed. In fact, doing this can actually spread bacteria around the sink and kitchen. All bacteria will be killed during cooking, so there’s no need to risk cross-contamination by rinsing it in water.
2. Don’t Soak Meat in Salt Water
Some people soak meat in salt water in an effort to make them juicier when cooking. However, this can drastically up the salt content of the meat, making it unhealthy. Instead, buy high-quality cuts of meat which won’t dry out during cooking. If you do want to soak the meat, make sure to do it in the fridge to keep the meat at a safe temperature.