3 Ways to Make Your Podcast More Professional

Podcasts are like the new garage band—everyone’s trying to start one. The medium has boomed over the last few years, and streaming sites like Spotify and iTunes make it cheap and easy to get yours on air. However, just because it’s easy doesn’t mean it will be successful. It takes more than a great idea and initial excitement to make your podcast into a popular enterprise. To help you turn your podcast from an amateur project to a fruitful endeavor, here are three ways to make your podcast more professional.
Consistent Structure
As with any programming, consistency is key. Make a standard outline for your podcast and stick to it so listeners can know what to expect when they play a new episode. This applies to episode length as well. You should also come up with a consistent schedule—one you know you can commit to. If you promise a new episode every Monday, then miss a few weeks, your audience will eventually stop looking for your content every week.
Work with Others
If you’re looking for ways to make your podcast more professional, consider asking for help. Collaboration is a staple to successful content, and there are plenty of ways to enlist help for your project. If your podcast includes ample information or data, consider working with a fact-checker or industry expert to help you gather and present information. Guests and interviews are another way to give your show a more professional appearance (or sound). You might also consider hiring a professional voice over actor to record parts of your show. There are many benefits to working with a voice over actor, and they can provide your podcast with an extra boost of quality and professionalism.
Recording Equipment
Professional sound is one of the most important aspects of a podcast. Equip your recording space with high-quality microphones and soundproofing equipment. You should also find a good editing software and learn how to use it. Audacity is a free software that lets you edit your audio. You can cut out any interruptions or unwanted background noise. The more you practice recording and editing, the better you’ll become at producing quality audio that’s pleasant and entertaining.