Endzone – A World Apart Gets Irradiated in Latest Gameplay Feature Trailer (PC)

Today, publisher Assemble Entertainment and developer Gentlymad Studios released a new installment in their “Endzone Survival Guide” series of gameplay feature trailers. The new video explores all one must know in order to master and overcome the greatest threat in Endzone – A World Apart: radiation and its effects on your settlements. Along with the new trailer, the publisher has announced an April 2, 2020 Steam and GOG Early Access launch date for the post-apocalyptic city-builder.

Today’s trailer details the various categories of radiation and how players can detect — and avoid — particularly irradiated areas. The handy Geiger counter will prove to be a player’s best friend as radiation can swiftly poison the water supply, ruin crops, and harm vulnerable settlers in the community. While carbon filters and protective clothing can help offset the devastating, and often fatal, effects of radiation poisoning, failing to remain vigilant can turn a minor mistake into a toxic nightmare. Keep an eye on key on-screen indicators and auditory alerts, such as the Geiger counter, to keep the population, and its resources, safe.
Watch the Radiation Survival Guide trailer for Endzone – A World Apart here:
[YouTube] https://uberstrategist.link/endzone-survival-radiation-YTAssemble Entertainment is also thrilled to announce that since partnering with One Tree Planted, Endzone – A World Apart has been added to over 80,000 wishlists, which means 1000 trees will be planted! Help Assemble Entertainment plant even more trees by wishlisting the game here.

More about Endzone – A World Apart
Endzone: A World Apart follows a group of refugees who, more than a century after a devastating worldwide nuclear terrorist attack, are leaving their underground bunkers and rebuilding society on the surface. After 150 years of dwelling underground in bunkers called “endzones”, the Earth’s surface seems like a breath of fresh air, though that couldn’t be any further from the truth!
Eager players can preorder Endzone – A World Apart via the official site to gain immediate access to the Beta, which will receive ongoing updates until March 23, 2020. Learn more at Endzone-Game.com.
Keep up to date with all things Endzone – A World Apart by following the game on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and joining the official Discord.