Best Activities to Beat Cabin Fever

It’s only been a month or so of staying at home. While it’s the best thing we can do at this time to flatten the curve, you might find yourself getting a case of cabin fever. There’s only so many Netflix shows you can binge watch before you start to go a little mad. At this moment, it’s still safe to get some fresh air outside if you practice social distancing. Here are the best activities to beat cabin fever that you should give a try.
Go for a Joy Ride
With less traffic than ever before, one of the best activities to beat cabin fever is to go on a joy ride. There are no limitations with what you can see on the road, especially if you live near abundant nature. Plus, there are plenty of health benefits that come with going on a road trip!
Go Boating
In addition to going on a joy ride on the road, you can also do that in the water. While you should only go boating with the people you live with, going on a boat ride is a great way to escape your home for a little bit.
Run Outside or Go for a Walk
Another great way to stay healthy and get out of the house is to either run or walk outside. Explore a new trail or an area you aren’t familiar with. Sure, you could run on a treadmill to stay fit during these times, but going outside feels so much better now that the weather is warming up.
Barbeque or Grill
Now that the sun is shining more and more, a great option you may soon have is going outside and either grilling or barbecuing. Not only is this a nice way to get some fresh air, but you can also enjoy your meal outside once you are finished cooking.
Have a Bonfire
The last thing you should consider having is a good old-fashioned bonfire. There’s no better way to spend a summer night outside than by having a fire. Find a new way to relax by sitting outside near a fire, roasting marshmallows, and having a nice beverage to get your mind off recent events.