They Said It Couldn’t Be Done – Clean Wheels With Only Water!

JACKSONVILLE, Fla., April 22, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Awesome Products Corp. announces that they have developed, will be applying for a patent, and are preparing to market a new product to clean wheels using only water, and are calling it “The Brake Dust Eraser®”
Initially developed to clean the wheels of aircraft on aircraft carriers where chemicals would harm the non-skid decking material, Awesome Products Corp. is now making it available for consumer use.
The company states the reusable Brake Dust Eraser® will clean as well as using chemicals. Knowing consumers may be skeptical of this claim Awesome Products Corp. backs each Brake Dust Eraser® with a 90 day money back guarantee.
The market for this product is autos, trucks, and especially motorcycles. The Brake Dust Eraser® is safe for all wheel surfaces and eliminates chemicals getting on brake calipers, pads, rotors, and painted surfaces.
The product is made here in the USA. Don Meyns, president of Awesome Products Corp., states, “Even if the consumer only cleans their wheels every 6 to 8 weeks, The Brake Dust Eraser® will remove the brake dust, dirt, and grime, on wheels using only water. Wheels that have been neglected in the past may need to be cleaned with chemicals initially, but water or soap & water is all that is needed for subsequent cleanings.”
Awesome Products Corp. has extensive experience in the field of effective, eco-friendly cleaners that are made in the USA. They are the manufacturer of BOSS Aircraft Cleaning Pads and Aircraft Cleaning Kits, Bugs Off® Pads, Love Bug Erasers®, and BOSS Interior Cleaning Pads.