College life: The best time before adulthood

Every stage of your life is important and has its own unique set of challenges as well. It would be a far-fetched claim to say that one phase in life is better than another, or that one has bigger challenges than the other. But even with this realization, many people argue that they had better life experiences during their transition from childhood to adulthood. This transition period is college life.

To be honest, there are many arguments that point towards the claim that college life is a little cozier and fun-filled than any other time. For example, college students often get scholarships to study abroad or just to tour a foreign country. Florida Rentals, for example, are offering full-time college students over the age of 18 traveling scholarships as a way of motivating them to work hard in their studies. Other companies that are doing the same are Coca Cola, Dell, Visa Reservation, GVD Renovation, and Gengo.

Besides scholarships, students get so many discounts; favors that no one will ever give you after college. If you are looking to decorate your bedroom, for example, Elephant Stock gives students 20% on their limitless wall décor options at your disposal. All these are favors that make college life appealing to many people. But are there other reasons that can be used in support of this claim? Of course, there are several other reasons. Some of them include:

1.         Increased freedom

Coming from high school life where you have your parents monitoring your every move, college gives you a little more breathing space. Your pocket money at this stage is more than at any other time in your life. And your student ID can probably take you to places you couldn’t be allowed to go previously. All these factors combined precipitate unprecedented levels of freedom.

2.         Best time to make friends

You have the freedom and the time- and probably the money- to go wherever you want and with whomever, you feel like. What is a better time to make friends other than this time? If you are studying abroad, you can make many international links that will be of importance when you will be searching for jobs. And, your parents don’t have to approve of who you can and cannot befriend or date.

3.         Partying is a daily thing

All you need to do in college is to get the grades and everyone is happy. Whatever you do with your time between semesters or trimesters is your own business. Plus there are insanely too many holidays and free time in college. That allows you to party and have a good time whenever you feel like, which is pretty much all the time.

4.         Trouble isn’t really trouble

You constantly get into trouble with your parents and teachers during your high school life and every other stage before high school. As an adult, you will be getting in trouble with the cops for some weird reasons and sometimes for life-threatening reasons. But trouble in college life isn’t really trouble. The college authorities are a bit lenient on students, your parents aren’t with you most of the time so you don’t get into trouble with them, and the cops aren’t too hard on you. Plus, if you get into a ditch, you can always count on your parent’s support.

5.         You get a chance to interact with the best in society

If you are searching for music mentors, there are tons of musicians in our colleges today. If you aspire to become a researcher, there are many renowned professors ready to share their experiences with you. What about footballers, soccer players, netballers, baseballers, and any other sport that you can think of? All those are in your college. Accessing them is easier when you are schooling with them that at any other time.

6.         Diversity

A college brings together different people from a wide range of backgrounds. You will be in the same class with people from abroad, people of different cultures, different financial standings, and most importantly, people who don’t think in the exact same fashion as you. At the end of the day, you will have an experience that you will never have any other time in your life.

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