How to Unlock Allied Races in World of Warcraft

One of the most exciting parts of WoW is journeying through the world as a character and feeling fully immersed in your identity. WoW is, at its core, a role-playing game. It’s a way for players to leave Earth behind and enter a new world full of dragons, adventure, and war. A huge part of immersion is the character you pick. There are two fundamental elements to character creation in WoW, your race, and your class. Since players are allowed several characters on their WoW accounts, you can play around and find the one that best suits your playstyle.

Over the years, Blizzard has introduced many new races into the game including Blood Elves, Draenei, Worgen, Pandaren, and Goblins. These 5 races are in addition to the core races released at the game’s launch; Human, Dwarf, Night Elf, Gnome, Orc, Undead, Tauren, and Troll. If that wasn’t enough, there are now Allied Races in the game!

What are Allied Races?

With the launch of BFA, Blizzard introduced Allied Races into the game. Allied races have been recruited by your faction (Horde or Alliance), and are variants of the other races in the game.

The Alliance has Void Elf, Lightforged Draenei, Dark Iron Dwarf, Kul Tiran Human, and Mechagnome. The Horde has access to Nightborne, Highmountain Tauren, Zandalari Troll, Mag’har Orc, and Vulpera.

How to Unlock Allied Races

Before you can begin to unlock the allied races, you must own the latest expansion to the game, Battle For Azeroth. You also have to have a level 110 character on the same faction as the Allied race you want to get.

Unlocking Horde Allied Races

So you have a 110 Horde character and want to unlock one of the Horde Allied races, what next? Let’s take a look.


The Nightborne are a mythical race of elves who hail from Suramar.

Available Classes: Warrior, Rogue, Hunter, Priest, Mage, Warlock, Monk, Death Knight.

Unlock by: Reach Exalted reputation with The Nightfallen and complete the 9-part storyline called Insurrection.

Highmountain Tauren

The Highmountain Tauren are direct descendants of the Tauren race and can be found in Highmountain in the Broken Isles.

Available Classes: Warrior, Hunter, Shaman, Monk, Druid, Death Knight.

Unlock by: Reaching Exalted reputation with Highmountain Tribe and completing the Ain’t No Mountain High Enough quest chain.

Mag’har Orc

Mag’har Orcs are a tribe consisting of Iron Horde and Frostwolf Clan Orcs who united in the Fourth War. Mag’har means “uncorrupted” in the Orcish language. Originally from Draenor, these Orcs have been stranded on Azeroth since the portal closed behind them and have decided to join their Orc brothers and sisters in fighting the Alliance.

Available Classes: Mage, Hunter, Monk, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warrior.

Unlock by: Reaching Exalted with The Honorbound and completing the Ready for War questline.

Zandalari Troll

The Zandalari are a troll subspecies found on the island of Zandalar. The tribe joined forces with the Horde in the Fourth War.

Available Classes: Warrior, Paladin, Hunter, Rogue, Priest, Shaman, Mage, Monk, Fruid, Death Knight.

Unlock by: Reaching Exalted with the Zandalari Empire and completing the Horde War Campaign and Zandalar Forever!


This nomadic fox race comes from the deserts of Vol’dun in Zandalar.

Available Classes: Hunter, Mage, Priest, Monk, Shaman, Rogue, Warlock, Warrior.

Unlock by: Reaching Exalted with Voldunai and completing the Secrets in the Sands storyline.

How to Unlock Alliance Allied Races

Void Elf

Descended from Blood Elves, the Void Elves were exiled from Silvermoon City and joined forces with the Alliance.

Available Classes: Mage, Hunter, Monk, Priest, Rogue, Warlock, Warrior, Death Knight.

Unlock by: Reaching Exalted with Argussian Reach and completing You Are Now Prepared!

Lightforged Draenei

These Draenei are infused with Holy Light.

Available Classes: Warrior, Paladin, Hunter, Priest, Death Knight, Mage.

Unlock by: Become Exalted with Army of the Light and complete You Are No Prepared!

Dark Iron Dwarf

The Dark Iron Dwarf clan was once enemies of both the Horde and Alliance, before deciding to join forces with the alliance.

Available Classes: Warrior, Paladin, Hunter, Rogue, Priest, Shaman, Mage, Warlock, Monk, Death Knight.

Unlock by: Become Exalted with 7th Legion and complete Ready for War.

Kul Tiran

This race of human hails from Kul Tiras and are tougher than their ancestors.

Available Classes: Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, Priest, Shaman, Mage, Monk, Druid, Death Knight.

Unlock by: Become Exalted with Proudmoore Admiralty and Complete Alliance War Campaign and A Nation United.


This tech-focused race of gnomes comes from Mechagon Island, where they were on a quest to find titan technology.

Available Classes: Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, Priest, Mage, Warlock, Monk, Death Knight.

Unlock by: Become Exalted with the Rustbolt Resistance and complete The Mechagonian Threat.

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