Several Different Uses for Asphalt

We are already familiar with some of the widely-known uses of asphalt. It’s used to make roads, pave parking lots, and cover roofs on industrial buildings. But did you know there are different uses for asphalt? Asphalt is a durable building material that can withstand a lot of abuse. The other applications for asphalt differ greatly, proving that people are only just beginning to experiment with alternative uses this versatile product. Who knows what the future holds for asphalt when the present is already so bright.
Paint It Black
Industrial pioneer Henry Ford was one of the first people to discover how versatile asphalt can be. To keep the cost of his Model T low, he limited the color options available. Black was the most popular color because, for a while, it was the only choice. Ford used “Japan Black” to paint his cars, which uses a high level of bitumen, or liquid asphalt.
Automobile Liners
To keep road noise to a minimum, car manufacturers use asphalt to line specific parts of cars and trucks. Using a coating of asphalt muffles road noise, reduces vibration of car parts, and absorbs noises made by any remaining road vibrations. The extra layer of asphalt also helps dampen any outside noises that aren’t made by the vehicle itself. The asphalt is applied during the manufacturing process and can be sprayed, baked, or bolted on in the form of asphalt pads.
A Medium for Artwork
A handful of creative types have taken to using asphalt in their artwork. The bitumen-rich oil sands give the artists a medium to create wonderful works of art that capture the Canadian wilderness. They collect and dilute the surface level bitumen and use it to make their monochromatic pieces. The artists take special care to protect the canvas and make sure the bitumen doesn’t rot or eat it away at it.
As a Moisture Barrier
The farm isn’t the first place most people think of when considering different uses for asphalt. However, farmers often use asphalt to protect fence posts on the farm. Asphalt paint is applied to fence posts to create a superb moisture barrier. It prevents water from rotting the wooden posts and protects them from other elements, making them last longer between replacements.
Graffiti Fighter
Graffiti is a problem in urban areas, with vandals tagging anything that will stand still long enough. Buildings with big walls are constant targets. Painting the street level portions of the wall with asphalt paint helps fight these vandals. Because the paint is black, it becomes very difficult to use many colors on it. If someone is successful in painting the wall, a few spray cans of asphalt paint can quickly cover the graffiti.