Dangerous Driving Habits To Break

Many of us slip into comfortable driving habits, forgetting that they can put us and others in danger. It’s important to stay as alert and cautious on the road as possible to keep everyone involved safe. Here are a few dangerous driving habits to break if you’ve fallen into those patterns.
Failing To Signal
Turn signals let other drivers and pedestrians know where you’re heading. They allow others to slow down and accommodate your next move and alert pedestrians to when they can and can’t cross an intersection. Use your turn signal at every lane change and street corner to make using signals second nature.
Hard Braking and Acceleration
Hard braking and acceleration are practices you should monitor closely to avoid unnecessary wear and tear on your vehicle and increased risks of accidents. Practice braking earlier to get in the habit of gradual braking, and take note of how much money you save on gas when you accelerate slower as a motivator to break your bad habit.
Most of us are probably guilty of speeding at some point or another. Driving at unnecessarily high speeds reduces our ability to react and keep control of the vehicle. A few tips that can help you break this habit include leaving early for your destinations to reduce the pressure to speed, checking speed limit signs often, and being patient with other drivers.
Driving on Empty
Stopping at a gas station isn’t always the most convenient thing to do on your commute. However, driving on fumes is a dangerous driving habit you should break. Gasoline works as a coolant for your engine, so the less gasoline available, the less fluid there is to keep the engine cool. If your gas light turns on, it’s time to stop at a gas station—don’t wait until it’s too late.
Distracted Driving
With a plethora of technology and connections these days, it’s hard not to give in. Turning your phone off, using notification blocking apps, or even hiding it in the glove box while you drive will keep your hands, eyes, and mind focused on the road.