Tune Review: Carbon Dallas – Elements debut!

Well this is a first for me and for this site. But looks like I am doing a album review! The upcoming debut album for Carbon Dallas – Elements. The band is based out of southern Ontario are comprised of 5 members. As a nerd most of you will get the reference to fifth element. Now the music isn’t the same upbeat EDM style from fifth but more of a 1990-2000 rock vibe for most tracks.
As I listen to the track lists I will break down track by track for you below on a brief feels for the tracks. We start with the cover album art. It is straight forward with the elemental signs very basic but if you understand it you will get the meaning. It does lack the parental advisory logo on it but I have been told they are releasing two versions of the album. You can choose radio edit version and regular unedited.
Due to the album not being out I will just put the track number and my thoughts on each song!
- Got a very punk rock vibe! Love the fast paced.
- Grunge rock feel vocals are low at start then the harmonics of voices work with the song.
- Grunge rock with a harder drum background and easy to get into rhythm.
- This song starts off rock then morphs into a rap lyric feel which jives well.
- By far my favorite track. Just the feel and cohesiveness of the drums/bass and vocals.
- This is quintessential 90’s rock. Just the whole feel makes me want a fire bird.
- Slow rock feel. Unfortunately my least favorite tune. The vocals seem out of place in the song. Both are great they just don’t mesh together.
- This to me had a Nirvana feel to it. Almost transported me into a 90s college dorm room.
- The track felt to me like a grunge ballad. More low key with the piano just meshed well.
- Out of all the tracks this has the most solid solo at the 2 minute mark. The vocals worked with the gritty feel of the tune.
- I am bias because this is a raw version of my favorite song so no issues at all!
Now I will break down my feeling for the album. You can tell the band is doing this out of a passion not a necessity. They all work well together in the track list. Sometimes it feels like the treble is a little high in some tracks or odd spots. I can get down with the 1990’s-2000’s feeling any day. This album is definitely worth picking up. You can pre-order your copy from the band camp site! Also if you pre-order you will get one of the tracks “Best Food Forward” before release! See link below. Now if you will excuse me I have to listen to this back to back.
Click Here to Pre-Order!