Most Dangerous Jobs in America

Job safety is extremely important. However, some careers and jobs don’t have the luxury of always being safe. There are numerous jobs out there that need to be done, but that aren’t safe for the employees to do. For a quick list and some information on this, continue reading below for information on the most dangerous jobs in America.
Structural Iron and Steel Workers
Because of the material that structural iron and steel workers deal with, combined with the height at which they work, this job can be extremely dangerous. Anybody takes the wrong step, loses their good grip, or loses their balance and the fall that follows any of those can be extremely dangerous, if not deadly. Following all safety measures and being extremely cautious is a must.
Not only do roofers deal with the height when fixing, repairing, and replacing roofs, but they also deal with other hardships such as physical labor, heaving lifting, climbing, and unfortunately, poor weather conditions. With all these elements, there is unfortunately much room for injuries. The height and the job description slip and falls can be extremely serious or even deadly.
Logging Workers
This is possibly one of, if not the most dangerous job. Logging workers harvest trees that are used for numerous things. This job is dangerous for numerous reasons including falling objects, the tree not cooperating as they want it too, and equipment errors and accidents. This job is so dangerous that it has been said that it has a 28 times higher fatal accident rate than the all-worker rate. With this rate being so high, it just shows the importance of following all of the safety guidelines to ensure that the workers are as safe as possible!
Unfortunately, even though these jobs are dangerous, they are necessary. Looking at these three jobs that fall under the most dangerous jobs in America really puts into perspective the safety we all really have in our own jobs. But no matter what your job is, you should stay safe and follow the protocols to ensure your own safety!