NASAPress Releases
NASA Awards Contract for Project and Engineering Support Services

NASA has selected Millennium Engineering and Integration Services LLC of Arlington, Virginia, for a contract providing support for flight and mission projects, including all advanced engineering capabilities needed to support the research and development mission at the agency’s Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California.

The period of performance will begin Monday, Feb. 1, and consists of a 60-day phase-in period, a two-year base period, and three one-year option periods.
This task order has a maximum value of $168,031,583.
Millennium Engineering and Integration Services will provide on-site services in integrally related disciplines and functions including the following areas:
- Engineering
- Systems engineering
- Design and development
- Fabrication
- Assembly and integration
- Testing
- Mission concept and design
- Mission operations
- Project management and proposal development, primarily in support of the center’s Programs and Projects Directorate and Engineering Directorate.
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