CES 2021Press Releases

Earbuds Revolution-World’s 1st Translation Earbuds with All Functions

For too long, hand-held (standalone) translators and apps only focused on the translation itself. The user and the experience were neglected and considered secondary. Having to pass the device back and forth, pressing buttons, and a slew of unnecessary gimmicks made these already expensive devices clunkier and more unusable. 

Headquartered in Shenzhen, famously considered as China’s Silicon Valley. At Timekettle, we believe user experience is the core of every consumer product, and that every communication is an opportunity to connect and establish a relationship with others. Driven by innovation in design and technology in both software and hardware, Timekettle gives our users the tools to expand their opportunities that were once out of reach. 

Since Artificial Intelligence becomes the modern hotspot for technology development, many companies focus on the interaction between human to computer. We have chosen a different path: the interaction between human to human. 

Because no matter how society develops, how machines and technology evolve, the significance behind translation technology is that people are eager to establish intimate relationships; this differentiates Timekettle’s focus from that of the average company – in both our development direction and product design. 

We are more concerned about whether we can solve the anxiety in different life scenarios, and how to encourage people to communicate more often in different languages. We do this by shaping its form to offer an unprecedented immersive experience into life and work, inspiring everyone to express, so that each conversation is natural and profound, this is our imagination of the future. 

This idea of human-experience focus has attracted many engineers, designers, and big companies to collaborate closely. This enthusiasm for consumer product innovations and the desire to connect different cultures and languages still drive us to move forward. 

imekettle, (www.timekettle.co) a leading brand providing translator device by integrating cutting-edge artificial intelligence and hardware technology. Our products are sold to 94 countries and favored by 300, 000 happy users. We’ve got more than 200 Media, such as BBC, Forbes, and Yahoo etc., covered it.
Killer Product – M2 translator earbudsWorld’s 1st Offline Translation Earbuds – CES 2021 Innovation Awards, raising USD 770,792 on Indiegogo.
COVID-19 is still spreading globally setting restrictions to people’s travelling.Timekettle M2 translator earbuds come out with multiple functions, translation, phone call, music listening, and voice assistant for better usage under that circumstance.

Besides, one of its remarkable functions, Remote Mode, can be used for up to 40 people with 40 languages translated at the same time with no distance limitation, which means people can enjoy group chatting and remote video calls via ZOOM or Skype.


I am the owner of Cerebral-overload.com and the Verizon Wireless Reviewer for Techburgh.com. My love of gadgets came from his lack of a Nintendo Game Boy when he was a child . I vowed from that day on to get his hands on as many tech products as possible. My approach to a review is to make it informative for the technofile while still making it understandable to everyone. Ben is a new voice in the tech industry and is looking to make a mark wherever he goes. When not reviewing products, I is also a 911 Telecommunicator just outside of Pittsburgh PA. Twitter: @gizmoboaks

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