Roving Blue Announces its Second Production Run of the GO3™ Water Bottle, the World’s First Self-cleaning Water Bottle

Roving Blue® is announcing its second production run of the GO3™ water bottle, the world’s first self-cleaning water bottle. It uses the Power of EO3™, dissolved ozone, which is the strongest oxidant that can safely be used in water purification*. This pod makes all suspect water safer to drink and has been proven in independent laboratory tests to be highly effective against viruses and bacteria like salmonella, and E. Coli – it even destructs chlorine. Ozone is more powerful than chlorine, yet reverts quickly to oxygen. Buyers of the next 50 units can expect their 3D manufactured product within four weeks with a limited time retail pricing of $199.

Produced in Wisconsin, the GO3™ Water Bottle pod is the popular Nalgene® 32 oz/1 liter water bottle.
“This is absolutely ground-breaking technology, what UV light was ten years ago,” says CEO Marianna “Yana” DeMyer, and the pod can purify up to 60 liters of water before recharging the internal battery is needed.
*Water Quality Association, “Ozone for POU, POE and Small Water System Water Treatment Applications,” Lisle, IL 1999
About Roving Blue:
Roving Blue® is proud to be building advanced, portable water purification systems that harness “The Power of EO3™”, electrolytic ozone, for use around the world. EO3 is the most advanced way to make aqueous ozone, a disinfectant that is more powerful than chlorine, yet quickly reverts to oxygen. Roving Blue®, based in Wisconsin, USA, has been building and selling these devices since 2014.