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Essential Items To Bring To College on Move-in Day

Moving to college can be a stressful time, and knowing what to bring is a large part of that challenge. From personal care products to the items you need for classes, you may struggle to figure out what you need. It is best to bring the important items first—in other words, the ones you can’t function without. Then, you take the rest to college whenever possible. The trick is to figure out the essential items to bring to college on move-in day. These items need to last you until you can get your other items.

Big items

The most problematic items that you will need to worry about are the large yet useful items. These items will greatly impact your everyday experience, which is why you need them on move-in day. The first one is a car; now, some colleges don’t require a vehicle to get around. However, many colleges don’t have that system in place, and leaving campus is much easier with a car. Moving your car to a college is a difficult endeavor, but by using a vehicle shipping company, you can avoid the hassle. 

Another major appliance you will need for college is a fridge. The smaller ones should be enough for your needs and still fit in a dorm. A computer or laptop will serve you well; after all, accessing the internet will help greatly with classes and homework. A TV and some other form of entertainment are great things to bring along as well. 

Everyday items

There are plenty of items that you will need for your everyday life. The trick is to bring enough to last you until you can restock, either at a store or from home. Things like bedding, shower supplies, teeth care, clean clothes, backpack, notebooks, pens, and snacks will all be greatly useful. You’ll struggle with personal hygiene if you do not bring things like soap and shampoo. Makeup and deodorant are also important to bring along. Having enough clothes to last you until you can do laundry ensures you’ll stay smelling fresh and feeling good. 

These are just the essential items to bring to college on move-in day; you will need more items to get through your college life. Don’t be afraid to bring a bit more than you think you might need. It never hurts to be too prepared.

Ty Pier

I am the Co Owner/Podcast Producer here at Cerebral Overload. I have been involved in the online media since 2011 and happily get to work with two of my best friends every day. I specialize in Apple products, gaming systems and podcasts. Have any questions or would like to submit a guest post, feel free to email!

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