Tech That Can Help Your Presentations

Giving a lecture, presenting an idea, or promoting a product to a large group, but need something more than a speech and some projected graphics? Fortunately, you live in the 21st century, and there are plenty of apps and devices that can make a presentation sing. Here are a few simple-to-use pieces of tech that can help your presentations. Check with your IT department to see if they have any of these already uploaded and in use, and start employing them to entertain, engage, and get your audience involved.
Social Media
Before you speak, build up anticipation and spark conversations by developing a hashtag in connection with your talk. Encourage others to use it as well, especially if it’s part of a larger event like a convention. During the talk, project the hashtag’s page behind you so participants can see online discussions of the event in real time, encouraging them to contribute their own thoughts and ideas as well. After the event, perform regular searches for the hashtag and be prepared to answer questions and perform follow-ups with attendees and those who may have missed the main event.
Audience Response Apps
With all the lights, music, and excitement, who doesn’t love a game show? You might not be able to offer a new car or similar prize to your listeners, but you can get them directly involved and invested with audience response software. Apps like Kahoot and others permit you to hold real-time surveys and polls. You ask a question, it appears on the screen, and the crowd can vote on it. Encourage audience participation without any personal discomfort for you or them.
Green Screen
Best for online presentations, green screens bring movie magic to your talk. Check the software you’re using to livestream. There should be a chroma key function. With a portable green screen kit set up behind you, you can blend two separate images together. Fill the background with computer graphics and images. Anything goes, and you can deliver your presentation from “anywhere.”
Animation Software
Cartoons are the oldest and surest way to get people’s attention without letting them know they’re being educated at the same time. Unfortunately, while hiring a professional designer to create comics for you will guarantee eye-catching and memorable graphics, it’s not the cheapest option for a simple presentation. However, for tech that can help your presentations, there are several software programs on the market that let you create your own amusing, informative, and yes, animated graphics. Some are even free! Slip a few characters into your next talk and watch how people’s eyes light up when they come onscreen.