Most Common Motorcycle Accidents

People love motorcycles for many reasons. Some like the lifestyle, while others are in it for the thrill. Regardless of its many appeals, most people also know that riding a motorcycle is one of the most dangerous ways to get from point A to point B. While there’s nothing wrong with that, it’s still important to be aware of the most common motorcycle accidents. Knowing these situations and how to avoid them can be the difference between a cool, smooth ride and a trip to the emergency room.
Head-on Collisions
A significant majority of motorcycle-related deaths occur from head-on collisions, so these are the ones to be most aware of. The reason for this is quite simple: An open vehicle provides little to no protection during a crash, so a rider’s injuries are more likely to be fatal. Most commonly, the rider is either crushed by the car or thrown through the air at high speeds. Both will most likely lead to death or a severe injury.
This type of accident is so common, in fact, that the National Safety Council made a list of the “Four Rs” that motorcyclists should remember when a head-on collision is a possibility:
- Read the road ahead
- Drive to the Right
- Reduce your speed
- Ride off the road
Following these guidelines will significantly reduce the risk of this type of accident.
Lane Splitting
This situation occurs when a motorcycle drives between two lanes of stopped or slowed traffic. It is illegal in most states, but that doesn’t stop some motorcyclists from doing it. Most drivers aren’t ready for a motorcycle to come barreling through an area of slowed traffic, so it’s not something they’re looking for when moving forward or changing lanes. Since the person on the motorcycle is navigating a narrow area, they have less room to react if a car pulls in front of them.
The main way to avoid this type of accident is not to drive this way in the first place, even if it is legal in your state. Cars have a hard enough time not running into each other during a traffic jam, so they won’t be as aware of a motorcycle attempting to cut its way through it all.
Driving While Intoxicated
The final point in our list of most common motorcycle accidents involves drunk driving. Impaired driving is the cause of many avoidable car accidents in general, so it means that motorcyclists should already know the risks involved here.
By far, the easiest way to be safe from alcohol-related accidents is not to drink and drive in the first place. However, many victims of drunk driving aren’t intoxicated themselves. It’s important to remain vigilant while on the road, especially late at night. If a drunk person is having trouble seeing other cars on the road, they’ll have an especially tough time seeing a bike. Being hyperaware of cars swerving or going too fast can be the difference between life or death.
If you ever find yourself the victim of one of these types of accidents, you’ll need to know what to do after it happens. As long as you’re wearing protective gear, you should be able to follow through with the next steps.