Regenerating Excitement: Incredible Facts About Stem Cells

As research continues, the potential uses for stem cells are growing exponentially. How well do you know the science? Get up-to-date with these incredible facts about stem cells.
The Body’s Raw Materials
Stem cells are valuable to the body because they can divide over and over again to produce new cells. Even better, they can change into cells that perform specialized functions. That means that they can regenerate damaged tissues. And in theory, studying them could lead to breakthroughs in any disease.
Global Research Efforts
All over the globe, scientists are tackling stem cell studies from different angles. In 2001, a team in the Netherlands used stem cells to create heart cells outside the body—beating heart cells. In England, researchers are combining bacteria with stem cells to repair heart damage. And in Scotland, they’re working on producing red blood cells from stem cells for a limitless supply of blood for transfusions.
3D Printing With Stem Cells
3D printing has revolutionized many industries, but the world is holding its breath for what it can do for medicine. By building objects layer by layer, 3D printing should eventually be able to create skin, bones, and organs. All those patients waiting on organ wait lists could have an organ made for them instead. And the “ink” being used for this 3D printing? Stem cells. Scientists have already been successful in 3D printing a working heart—unfortunately, it was rabbit-sized.
Banking and Donations
Doctors can currently treat about 80 conditions and diseases with stem cells—as long as stem cells are available and a match for the patient. The umbilical cord is rich with young, pure stem cells, so many new mothers ask their doctors to extract the blood and tissue for storage before cutting the cord. They can donate the stem cells to a public bank for others in need, or pay to bank them in case their child needs them one day. Another incredible fact about stem cells: often they can be used to help a sibling or close family member, too.
Future Applications
Stem cells are already treating cancers as well as blood, immune, and metabolic disorders. These include leukemia, lymphoma, and sickle cell anemia. And tests are being conducted to find out if stem cells will be approved for treating heart disease, ALS, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, liver disease, and more.