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Social Networking Tips for Jewelry Makers

Jewelry has been perceived through the time as a commodity only for luxurious persons, with dedicated craftsmen keeping their secrets away from the mainstream and only available for their few and selected customers. A lot has changed since the old times, when the jewelry was and only could be a physical place, like Tiffany’s. A time in which the best marketing was to be perceived as an up-class and elitist establishment.

With the appearance of the internet and the web market, there has been a change of paradigm in the jewelry world. There are still luxury brands that charge big prices for premium products, but even these more recognizable brands have adapted to the global market, opening their product catalog and broadening their prices.

The social networks had become a great tool for veterans and newcomers alike in the efforts to expand their brands. Although there’s not a unique working formula, you can always follow a series of general tips that will allow you to market your jewels in a more efficient manner, grow your brand’s exposure, and increase sales exponentially.

 Be you

In a market where everyone is fighting to be the showing piece in someone’s ears, wrist, feet, or neck, a good way of bettering your success chances as a jewelry maker is to create jewels that are distinct, easily relatable to your own personal brand. Not just do what everyone else is doing, study what the market is lacking the most, and exploit that opportunity. If no one it’s doing minimalist engagement rings, do minimalist engagement rings, and be the most exciting, unique, and minimalist engagement ring maker inside the jewels market. You also have to consider the other side of the coin, what if everyone is doing minimalist engagement rings and that’s what you want to do, or are good at? In that case, you will have to find a way to be relevant above anyone else, do minimalist engagement rings with customizable pieces, figurines, animals, letters, etc.

Define the brand’s identity

Related to the previous point but not parallel to it, you not only need to have pieces that can distinctly differentiate from the rest of the market, but you also have to establish a clear and eye-catching online identity, focusing on your market niche if that’s the case. There are a series of exercises and question that you can answer to construct your identity easily:

1.   What do I offer??

2.   How do I offer it?

3.   How does my offer differentiate from my competitors?

4.   Define your brand in 4 words

5.   What tone with my social media has? (Cold, cheerful, playful, familiar, corporative)

6.   How often will I post?

Make your own content

You can rely on ads or third parties, but if you want to increase your brand exposure your best bet is to do it yourself, take pictures of the product, ask the customers for a review and to post a picture with their product on your social media, do an original collaboration with relevant users. You don’t have to do this on your own, you can rely on an SEO expert, there’s no real issue, you just have to give them enough information about your vision for the content. The main goal is to avoid being generic and establish a unique presence for your jewels in the social network space.

Post more, post frequent

Academically proven studies show that an Instagram post is only useful through its first hour of existence, therefore you need to post as frequently as you can, offering products, hyping up future releases, teasing new offers and giveaways, or remembering current ones. You need to strike a balance between an account that is active and keeps a constant stream of interaction with its followers, and a spam account that appears to be run by bots. It’s crucial, in order to keep your post relevant, to keep awareness of the different national, international, and regional holidays. Knowing this, it becomes vital to know your analytics, if the biggest demographic inside your site are young Americans, it would be a good idea to make a back-to-school offer.


I am the owner of and the Verizon Wireless Reviewer for My love of gadgets came from his lack of a Nintendo Game Boy when he was a child . I vowed from that day on to get his hands on as many tech products as possible. My approach to a review is to make it informative for the technofile while still making it understandable to everyone. Ben is a new voice in the tech industry and is looking to make a mark wherever he goes. When not reviewing products, I is also a 911 Telecommunicator just outside of Pittsburgh PA. Twitter: @gizmoboaks

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