Steps for Becoming an Electrician

There are many service-based jobs for young people to choose from after graduating from high school, and some of them don’t even require that you go to trade school in order to do them. One such job is being an electrician.
Following this career path is a great choice because, as long as we have electricity, we will continue to need electricians. It also pays well, and it’s easy to go into business for yourself. Before you begin, though, there is a lot you need to know. That’s why we’ve made a list of steps for becoming an electrician.
Research the Job Thoroughly
Sure, seeing the pay and knowing the basics of being an electrician might be enough to pique your interest, but you need to ensure that this is indeed the career path for you. Research what other electricians say about the job online. If you know anyone who’s already in the field, ask if you can shadow them for a day. Make sure you don’t skip this step because future-you won’t appreciate it if you turn out to hate your job.
Figure Out Your Qualifications
The basic qualifications for this job are to be 18 or older, have your high school diploma or GED, and be in decent physical health since there is a lot of physicality involved in this field. Having a reliable form of transportation is a plus, as well as being able to follow directions and working well by yourself and with others. These skills and traits all come together to form the perfect electrician, so be sure to align yourself with them.
Look Into Formal Training
Even though we said trade school isn’t a necessity, you do need some form of industry-recognized training. Most people go the route of apprenticeships because they provide on-the-job training and a paycheck. However, keep in mind that this route may take some time to follow since many people are doing it as well, and apprenticeships can be difficult to secure, so be patient with it. Your time to shine will come.
Get Licensed
After getting trained, it’s time to study the material and take the tests needed to become fully certified in your state. All states have different requirements when it comes to this, so check to see what they are for where you live. Once you’ve finished all your hours and passed all your tests, you will be an officially licensed electrician, and you will be able to go work for an electrician company or start your own business.
Be Prepared For Your First Day
Our list of steps for becoming an electrician isn’t quite over yet. Before starting your first day, ensure that you have all the things you need before getting started. You’ve probably accumulated some tools and equipment throughout your time in training, but now that you’re entirely on your own, you have to make sure you’re prepared for anything. Once you’ve done that, you will be truly prepared for your new life as an electrician.