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Top Tips for Selecting Borescopes

Borescopes are an excellent addition to your work tools. However, there is a wide range of characteristics to consider before you can select the borescope that’s best for you. Luckily, this guide will help walk you through some of the top tips for selecting borescopes.

Consider the Size of the Inspection Camera

When selecting a borescope, an important attribute to consider is the size of its inspection camera. Specifically, you’ll want to examine the size of the camera as it relates to your tasks and the size of equipment you need to inspect it.

Larger borescopes take much sharper photos but are more difficult to maneuver into tight spots. However, smaller inspection cameras, while not as sharp, are much more effective in fitting into hard-to-reach areas to diagnose an issue. So, you’ll want to select the size of your camera before deciding one way or another.

Be Mindful of the Magnifying Effect

You must be mindful of a borescope’s magnifying effect when choosing the best one suited to your work. It’s worth noting that a quality borescope will not require an operator to focus and refocus on objects in the camera’s view each time they investigate something new. Instead, a borescope’s magnification capacity should have close to an unlimited reach.

You can test a borescope’s magnifying effect by understanding that magnification is often greater when an object is closer to the lens. This rule will help you determine whether the borescope you’re considering will magnify objects in a way that’s the most efficient for the nature of your work.

Select the Best Field of View

Another one of the top tips for selecting borescopes is examining the different fields of view each camera offers and picking the most efficient one for your inspections. 

For instance, your work purposes might entail investigating the spark plugs on someone’s vehicle. Because spark plugs are small and out of average reach, you’d want to consider purchasing a borescope with a backward-looking capability and a flexible rod. Additionally, borescopes can come with a wide range of angle capacities. The more angles a borescope can work with, the easier it will be for you to inspect various equipment and parts.

Choose the Appropriate Diameter and Length

If you’re looking to purchase a borescope to aid you in your work, your goal likely is to perform the most efficient and effective equipment/part inspections possible. So, it’s essential to choose a device with the proper diameter and rod length best suited for the work you plan to do with the borescope.

To specify, longer tubes on a borescope can cover more area should your needs dictate that you must examine larger equipment. Inversely, smaller tubes and camera diameters are excellent for observing much smaller, harder-to-reach places in individual parts or specialty equipment. So, it’s essential to consider your individual needs and match them with the most appropriate device.  

Borescopes are excellent tools that can bring another layer of expertise to your equipment inspections. So, before you purchase one for yourself, it’s crucial to consider the above key characteristics to determine which borescope is best for you.

Ty Pier

I am the Co Owner/Podcast Producer here at Cerebral Overload. I have been involved in the online media since 2011 and happily get to work with two of my best friends every day. I specialize in Apple products, gaming systems and podcasts. Have any questions or would like to submit a guest post, feel free to email!

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