Graphic Novel Crossover Tabletop RPG Hits Funding Goal – Announces Stretch Goals

Tabletop games publisher Magnetic Press Play is celebrating hitting the crowdfunding goal for their first game, Carbon Grey, by today releasing a new trailer and several updates regarding the ongoing campaign.
Having been funded within the first 24 hours of the Kickstarter’s launch, Magnetic Press Play is now unveiling the complete list of campaign stretch goals, which include bonus maps, limited edition prints, a solo-playable adventure module, two new enemy-types (with accompanying miniatures), and more. The complete list is available on the Kickstarter page, here.
Also, to encourage backers to get the awesome Deluxe Boxed Set, Magnetic Press Play is including a “Season Pass”— which means all of the extra unlockable add-on content (except for the Deluxe Air Combat expansion) will be included with Boxed Set Pledge Tiers for free!
Lastly, Magnetic Press Play recently released a free Quick Start PDF to give curious gamers a first-hand playable look at how the game plays. The Quick Start is currently available here, and via DriveThruRPG.

The Carbon Grey TTRPG, based on the graphic novel series of the same name, sets players in a unique alternate history reminiscent of World War I-era Europe, but with fantastic dieselpunk technologies and elements of the paranormal. In the game, players will explore a war-torn universe filled with mystery, prophecy, and intrigue. The core rulebook is written and overseen by game designer and graphic novelist Andrew E.C. Gaska, an ENnie and UKGE award winner for his work on the recent Alien RPG from Free League and the lead writer of the Terminator RPG from Nightfall Games.
More info about Magnetic Press Play is available on Facebook, Twitter, and the official website.