Facebook’s Bottomless Pockets

This week on your favorite podcast your 3 hosts discuss a new study about teens and violent video games, they delve into the arguments about how children are just rotten punks and not completely influenced by video games, we discuss FaceBook spending 2 billion dollars on the newest thrill, the Oculus Rift Virtual Reality Goggles, some how they have enough money to buy a texting app for 19 billion yet Alzheimer’s gets only 480 million dollars towards research, and finally one of the best and most passionate kickstarters we have ever done, Ben’s Bullshit Kickstarter Thing Or Something Of The Week includes MEternally, an application developed for people living with dementia or Alzheimer’s.
This weeks episode and all future episodes will have Ben being recorded in clear crisp sound (pending data signal problems) on the iRig Mic on the iPhone 5
Do Violent Video Games Boost Aggression