Are Massage Chairs as Good as a Real Massage?

Many factors go into massage therapy, and these factors are mainly based on an individual patient’s prognosis. There are certain things that a licensed practitioner can do that a chair cannot. But this all depends on the patient’s condition and what they need the massage for. So, the question then becomes, are massage chairs as good as a real massage, or should you seek out a therapist to get the job done?
Stretching and Recovery
Both massage chairs and professionals massagers stretch the body’s muscles extremely well. This helps in the recovery of muscle tissue that is damaged due to sports injury or working out. This is a very common issue with active people. They often wonder about the effectiveness of massage chairs and come to realize what a valuable option it is to have on standby.
It’s hard to book appointments with specialists and doctors. They try their best to work you into their schedule so that you can get the therapy and treatments you need, but these appointments don’t always work with your schedule. What’s worse is not having any other options when you can’t book an appointment, and your lower back pain will not subside whatever you do. If you invest in a massage chair, you will feel better from being treated, and you’ll be able to drop in for an appointment at your very own home without any need to schedule an appointment. This allows you to stay loose and ready while you wait for your next official appointment with your specialist or doctor.
Added Costs
If you haven’t figured out the costs of doctor’s visits yet, you should. At least with a massage chair, you know that the end cost would be one down payment at one low rate. Cost can also affect your scheduling if you run out of funds to keep attending regular appointments. With that said, it would be a wise investment to have a massage chair just in case something happens.
Massage therapy is a serious treatment that many people are prescribed through their family practitioner. Because it is so important for people who are suffering chronic pain to have regular massages, having something like a massage chair handy is truly a modern marvel. So, if you’re wondering whether massage chairs are as good as a real massage, I would say that they are in many ways.