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How To Prepare for the Holidays at a Distribution Center

As autumn takes full effect and leaves fall from the trees, most people are beginning to hunker down for the changing weather, but warehouse workers are just ramping up for the impending holiday season. While the holidays are still months away, preparations begin well in advance in the world of distribution centers. Check out some tips on how to prepare for the holidays at a distribution center.

Start Hiring Now!

Even as you read this, it may be a little late to begin hiring your seasonal workers. Many distribution center managers make the grave mistake of putting off hiring until they desperately need workers. Keep in mind that it takes time to train new employees, and that is time that you must account for in your hiring process. For example, if you need 15 new workers in an area by November 25, you can’t hire them to start on that date. You need to account for your training process so that each of the 15 new workers is fully trained by that deadline.

Revamp Your Storage Solutions

The second most valuable thing in a distribution center (next to your staff) is the storage space. Utilizing the storage space in your facility is essential, especially with larger quantities of items going through your space. Consider investing in more efficient types of warehouse storage systems. Updating your storage system can help you stay organized and cut down on frantic sorting or searching during the peak season.

Hold Training Sessions for Everyone

While you focus all your energy on training the new hires, your long-term employees may be instilling them with antiquated habits on accident. Prevent these bad habits from spreading by providing training refresher seminars for all your employees.

It’s vital to begin thinking about how to prepare for the holidays at a distribution center early and often. Getting new people, training them, giving training refreshers to the long-term employees, and ensuring you have the proper storage solutions for your facility are the most essential steps to preparing for the busiest time of the year.

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