What You Need To Know for a Successful Hog Hunt

Are you searching for one of the most popular hobbies in the southern states? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Hog hunting has always been a tradition, but its popularity has grown exponentially over the last few years. With the populations of wild hogs skyrocketing, hunting restrictions have loosened in states like Texas and Louisiana.
This is an exciting sport, but it comes with its fair share of danger. Feral hogs are aggressive animals, and they’re not afraid to defend themselves or their young. Stay safe, stay smart, and read on to discover what you need to know for a successful hog hunt.
Learn How To Track
The most critical skill is learning how to detect hogs and stay on their trail. When scouring the brush for signs of your prey, look for evidence of rooting. Hogs search for food by rooting around in vegetation with their snouts—if you spot uprooted soil, you’re probably hot on the trail of a wild hog.
Additionally, pay close attention to land near ponds and creeks. Hogs love to wallow in the mud, so keep an eye out for dug-up land near these bodies of water. Finally, tracks that appear wider and rounder than those of a deer are a sure sign there’s a hog nearby.
Use Calls
Your two main options for drawing out hogs with noise are predator calls and a recording of piglets in distress. If you opt for the first, make sure you’re at a safe distance. Hogs will often come out charging toward the source of the noise, so don’t get plowed over by a pig!
When you’re searching for sows, the sound of piglets in distress is a no-brainer. Sows are very protective and will respond quickly if they think their young are in danger.
Night Hunting
With more and more hunting happening during the day, many hogs have adapted their schedules to become nocturnal. You can counter this with some good old-fashioned night hunting. You’ll need a hog hunting light and extra care for gun safety, but night hunting may be your best bet for catching your prey.
Now that you understand what you need to know for a successful hog hunt, get out into the brush and score yourself some pork!